Right now, will concentrate on the JSON structure, which structures some portion of the "Lithe technique". MongoDB is a generally utilized NoSQL information structure and works effectively for gathering and showing records.
Step 1
This progression includes setting up association with MongoDB for making assortment and indicated information model. All you have to execute is "mongod" order for beginning association and mongo order to interface with the predefined terminal.
Step 2
Make another database for making records in JSON group. Until further notice, we are making a spurious database named "mydb".
>use mydb
switched to db mydb
>show dbs
local 0.78125GB
test 0.23012GB
>db.user.insert({"name":"Agile Data Science"})
>show dbs
local 0.78125GB
mydb 0.23012GB
test 0.23012GB
Step 3
Making assortment is required to get the rundown of records. This element is useful for information science research and yields.
>use test
switched to db test
{ "ok" : 1 }
>show collections
>db.createCollection("mycol", { capped : true, autoIndexId : true, size :
6142800, max : 10000 } )
{ "ok" : 1 }
>db.agiledatascience.insert({"name" : "demoname"})
>show collections