OrientDB establishment document is accessible in two versions −
- Local area Edition − OrientDB people group version is delivered by Apache under 0.2 permit as an open source
- Undertaking Edition − OrientDB endeavor version is delivered as a restrictive programming, which is based on local area release. It fills in as an expansion of the local area release.
This part clarifies the establishment technique of OrientDB people group release since it is open source.
Both people group and Enterprise releases can run on any Operating framework that executes the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). OrientDB requires Java with 1.7 or later form.
Utilize the accompanying strides to download and introduce OrientDB into your framework.
Step 1 − Download OrientDB Binary Setup File
OrientDB accompanies worked in arrangement record to introduce the data set on your framework. It gives distinctive pre-gathered parallel bundles (tarred or zipped bundles) for various working frameworks. You can download OrientDB documents from Download OrientDB interface.
The accompanying screen capture shows the download page of OrientDB. You can download the compressed or tarred document by tapping the appropriate working framework symbol.
On downloading, you will get the paired bundle in your Downloads organizer.
Step 2 ? Extract and Install OrientDB
Following is the method to separate and introduce OrientDB for various working frameworks.
In Linux
After download you will get orientdb-local area 2.1.9.tar.gz document in your Downloads organizer. You can utilize the accompanying order to separate the tarred document.
$ tar –zxvf orientdb-community-2.1.9.tar.gz
You can utilize the accompanying order to move all the OrientDB library documents from orientdbcommunity-2.1.9 to/select/orientdb/registry. Here we are utilizing super client order (sudo) in this manner you need to give super client secret word to execute the accompanying order.
$ sudo mv orientdb-community-2.1.9 /opt/orientdb
You can utilize the accompanying orders to enlist the orientdb order and the Orient worker.
$ export ORIENTDB_HoME = /opt/orientdb
$ export PATH = $PATH:$ORIENTDB_HOME/bin
In Windows
- After download you will get orientdb-local area 2.1.9.zip document in your Downloads envelope. Concentrate the compress record utilizing the compress extractor.
- Move the extricated envelope into the C:\ registry.
- Make two ecological factors ORIENTDB_HOME and PATH factors with following given qualities.
ORIENT_HOME = C:\orientdb-community-2.1.9
PATH = C:\orientdb-community-2.1.9\bin
Step 3 − Configuring OrientDB Server as a Service
By following the above advances you can utilize the Desktop form of OrientDB. You can begin OrientDB data set worker as an assistance by utilizing the accompanying advances. The methodology is extraordinary, contingent upon your working framework.
In Linux
OrientDB gives a content document named orientdb.sh to run the data set as a daemon. You can discover it in the canister/catalog of your OrientDB establishment index that is $ORIENTDB_HOME/container/orientdb.sh.
Prior to running the content record, you need to alter orientdb.sh document for characterizing two factors. One is ORIENTDB_DIR which characterizes the way to the establishment index (/pick/orientdb) and the second is ORIENTDB_USER which characterizes the username you need run OrientDB for as follows.
ORIENTDB_DIR = "/opt/orientdb"
ORIENTDB_USER = "<username you want to run OrientDB>"
Utilize the accompanying order to duplicate orientdb.sh document into/and so on/init.d/registry for instating and running the content. Here we are utilizing super client order (sudo) subsequently you need to give super client secret key to execute the accompanying order.
$ sudo cp $ORIENTDB_HOME/bin/orientdb.sh /etc/init.d/orientdb
Utilize the accompanying order to duplicate the console.sh record from OrientDB establishment catalog that is $ORIENTDB_HOME/canister to the framework container registry that is/usr/receptacle for getting to the Orient DB's reassure.
$ sudo cp $ ORIENTDB_HOME/bin/console.sh /usr/bin/orientdb
Utilize the accompanying order to begin the ORIENTDB data set worker as administration. Here you need to give the individual client's secret word which you notice in the orientdb.sh record to begin the worker.
$ service orientdb start
Utilize the accompanying order to know on which PID the OrientDB worker daemon is running.
$ service orientdb status
Utilize the accompanying order to stop the OrientDB worker daemon. Here you need to give the individual client's secret word, which you notice in the orientdb.sh document to stop the worker.
$ service orientdb stop
In Windows
OrientDB is a worker application hence it needs to play out a few undertakings prior to beginning closing down the Java virtual machine measure. On the off chance that you need to closure OrientDB worker physically, at that point you need to execute shutdown.bat record. In any case, the worker examples don't stop effectively, when the framework closes down unexpectedly without executing the above content. The projects which are constrained by the working framework with a bunch of indicated signals are called administrations in Windows.
We need to utilize Apache Common Daemon which permit Windows clients to wrap Java applications as Windows administration. Following is the method to download and enlist Apache normal daemon.
- Snap the accompanying connection for Apache Common Daemons for windows.
- Snap on normal daemon-1.0.15-container windows to download.
- Unfasten the normal daemon-1.0.15-container windows index. In the wake of separating you will discover prunsrv.exe and prunmgr.exe records inside the catalog. In those −
- prunsrv.exe document is an assistance application for running applications as administrations.
- prunmgr.exe document is an application utilized for checking and arranging windows administrations.
- Go to OrientDB establishment envelope → make another registry and name it administration.
- Duplicate the prunsrv.exe and prunmgr .exe glue it into to the help catalog.
- To design OrientDB as Windows administration, you need to execute a short content that utilizes the prusrv.exe as a Windows administration.
- Prior to characterizing the Windows Services, you need to rename prunsrv and prunmgr as indicated by the name of the assistance. For example OrientDBGraph and OrientDBGraphw individually. Here OrientDBGraph is the name of the assistance.
- Duplicate the accompanying content into the record named installService.bat and spot it into %ORIENTDB_HOME%\service\ index.
:: OrientDB Windows Service Installation
@echo off
rem Remove surrounding quotes from the first parameter
set str=%~1
rem Check JVM DLL location parameter
if "%str%" == "" goto missingJVM
set JVM_DLL=%str%
rem Remove surrounding quotes from the second parameter
set str=%~2
rem Check OrientDB Home location parameter
if "%str%" == "" goto missingOrientDBHome
set CONFIG_FILE=%ORIENTDB_HOME%/config/orientdb-server-config.xml
set LOG_FILE = %ORIENTDB_HOME%/config/orientdb-server-log.properties
set LOG_FILE_LEVEL = fine
set ORIENTDB_SETTINGS = -Dprofiler.enabled = true
-Dcache.level1.enabled = false Dcache.level2.strategy = 1
set JAVA_OPTS_SCRIPT = -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
rem Install service
OrientDBGraphX.X.X.exe //IS --DisplayName="OrientDB GraphEd X.X.X" ^
--Description = "OrientDB Graph Edition, aka GraphEd, contains OrientDB server
integrated with the latest release of the TinkerPop Open Source technology
stack supporting property graph data model." ^
--StartClass = com.orientechnologies.orient.server.OServerMain
-StopClass = com.orientechnologies.orient.server.OServerShutdownMain ^
--Classpath = "%ORIENTDB_HOME%\lib\*" --JvmOptions
"Dfile.Encoding = %ORIENTDB_ENCODING%; Djava.util.logging.config.file = "%LOG_FILE%";
Dorientdb.config.file = "%CONFIG_FILE%"; -Dorientdb.www.path = "%WWW_PATH%";
Dlog.console.level = %LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL%; -Dlog.file.level = %LOG_FILE_LEVEL%;
Dorientdb.build.number = "@BUILD@"; -DORIENTDB_HOME = %ORIENTDB_HOME%" ^
--StartMode = jvm --StartPath = "%ORIENTDB_HOME%\bin" --StopMode = jvm
-StopPath = "%ORIENTDB_HOME%\bin" --Jvm = "%JVM_DLL%"
-LogPath = "%ORIENTDB_HOME%\log" --Startup = auto
echo Insert the JVM DLL location
goto printUsage
echo Insert the OrientDB Home
goto printUsage
echo usage:
echo installService JVM_DLL_location OrientDB_Home
The content requires two boundaries −
- The area of jvm.dll, for example C:\ProgramFiles\java\jdk1.8.0_66\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
- The area of OrientDB establishment for example C:\orientdb-people group 2.1.9
- The help is introduced when you execute the OrientDBGraph.exe record (Original prunsrv) and double tap on it.
- Utilize the accompanying order to introduce administrations into Windows.
> Cd %ORIENTDB_HOME%\service
> installService.bat "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\jre\bin\server
\jvm.dll" C:\orientdb-community-2.1.9
Open the Task Manager administrations, you will locate the accompanying screen capture with the enrolled administration name is in it.
Step 4 − Verifying OrientDB Installation
This progression confirms the OrientDB data set worker establishment utilizing the accompanying advances.
- Run the worker.
- Run the comfort.
- Run the studio.
This is special as per the working framework.
In Linux
Follow the given strategy for confirming OrientDB establishment in Linux.
Running the server − You can utilize the accompanying order to begin the worker.
$ ./server.sh
Or then again you can utilize the accompanying order to begin the OrientDB worker as UNIX daemon.
$ service orientdb start
On the off chance that it is introduced effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
.` `
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,` .::,,,,::.,,,,,,`;; .: :::::::::: ::: :::
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,::::,,,. `: ,, ::::: : : .: ::::::::: ::::::::::
,,:` `,,.
,,, .,`
`` `.
`` orientdb.com
2016-01-20 19:17:21:547 INFO OrientDB auto-config DISKCACHE = 1,
649MB (heap = 494MB os = 4, 192MB disk = 199, 595MB) [orientechnologies]
2016-01-20 19:17:21:816 INFO Loading configuration from:
/opt/orientdb/config/orientdb-server-config.xml... [OServerConfigurationLoaderXml]
2016-01-20 19:17:22:213 INFO OrientDB Server v2.1.9-SNAPSHOT
(build 2.1.x@r; 2016-01-07 10:51:24+0000) is starting up... [OServer]
2016-01-20 19:17:22:220 INFO Databases directory: /opt/orientdb/databases [OServer]
2016-01-20 19:17:22:361 INFO Port busy,
trying the next available... [OServerNetworkListener]
2016-01-20 19:17:22:362 INFO Listening binary connections on
(protocol v.32, socket = default) [OServerNetworkListener]
2016-01-20 19:17:22:614 INFO Installing Script interpreter. WARN:
authenticated clients can execute any kind of code into the server
by using the following allowed languages:
[sql] [OServerSideScriptInterpreter]
2016-01-20 19:17:22:615 INFO OrientDB Server v2.1.9-SNAPSHOT
(build 2.1.x@r; 2016-01-07 10:51:24+0000) is active. [OServer]
Running the reassure − You can utilize the accompanying order to run the OrientDB under support.
$ orientdb
On the off chance that it is introduced effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
OrientDB console v.2.1.9-SNAPSHOT (build 2.1.x@r; 2016-01-07 10:51:24+0000) www.orientdb.com
Type 'help' to display all the supported commands.
Installing extensions for GREMLIN language v.2.6.0
Pursuing the Studio − beginning the worker you can utilize the accompanying URL (http://localhost:2480/) on your program. You will get the accompanying screen capture.
In Windows
Follow the given system for confirming OrientDB establishment in Windows.
Running the worker − You can utilize the accompanying order to begin the worker.
> cd %ORIENTDB_HOME%\bin
> ./server.bat
On the off chance that it is introduced effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
.` `
, `:.
`,` ,:`
.,. :,,
.,, ,,,
. .,.::::: ```` ::::::::: :::::::::
,` .::,,,,::.,,,,,,`;; .: :::::::::: ::: :::
`,. ::,,,,,,,:.,,.` ` .: ::: ::: ::: :::
,,:,:,,,,,,,,::. ` ` `` .: ::: ::: ::: :::
,,:.,,,,,,,,,: `::, ,, ::,::` : :,::` :::: ::: ::: ::: :::
,:,,,,,,,,,,::,: ,, :. : :: : .: ::: ::: :::::::
:,,,,,,,,,,:,:: ,, : : : : .: ::: ::: :::::::::
` :,,,,,,,,,,:,::, ,, .:::::::: : : .: ::: ::: ::: :::
`,...,,:,,,,,,,,,: .:,. ,, ,, : : .: ::: ::: ::: :::
.,,,,::,,,,,,,: `: , ,, : ` : : .: ::: ::: ::: :::
...,::,,,,::.. `: .,, :, : : : .: ::::::::::: ::: :::
,::::,,,. `: ,, ::::: : : .: ::::::::: ::::::::::
,,:` `,,.
,,, .,`
`` `.
`` orientdb.com
2016-01-20 19:17:21:547 INFO OrientDB auto-config DISKCACHE = 1,649MB
(heap = 494MB os = 4, 192MB disk = 199, 595MB) [orientechnologies]
2016-01-20 19:17:21:816 INFO Loading configuration from:
2016-01-20 19:17:22:615 INFO OrientDB Server v2.1.9-SNAPSHOT
(build 2.1.x@r; 2016-01-07 10:51:24+0000) is active. [OServer]
Running the support − You can utilize the accompanying order to run OrientDB under reassure.
> %ORIENTDB_HOME%\bin\console.bat
On the off chance that it is introduced effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
OrientDB console v.2.1.9-SNAPSHOT (build 2.1.x@r; 2016-01-07 10:51:24+0000) www.orientdb.com
Type 'help' to display all the supported commands.
Installing extensions for GREMLIN language v.2.6.0
Pursuing the Studio − beginning the worker you can utilize the accompanying URL (http://localhost:2480/) on your program. You will get the accompanying screen capture.