This section clarifies the total reference of various kinds of capacities in OrientDB. The accompanying table characterizes the rundown of capacities, which are arranged by their usefulness.
Graph Functions
Attempt some diagram capacities alongside the accompanying inquiries.
Execute the accompanying inquiry to get all the active vertices from all the vehicle vertices.
orientdb {db = demo}>SELECT out() from Vehicle
On the off chance that the above question is executed effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
# | @class | out
0 | Vehicle | #11:2
1 | Vehicle | #13:1
2 | Vehicle | #13:4
Execute the accompanying question to get both approaching and active vertices from the vertex #11:3.
orientdb {db = demo}>SELECT both() FROM #11:3
On the off chance that the above question is executed effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
# | @class | out | in
0 | Vehicle | #13:2 | #10:2
Math Functions
Attempt some number related capacities utilizing the accompanying questions.
Execute the accompanying question to get the amount of compensations, all things considered.
orientdb {db = demo}>SELECT SUM(salary) FROM Employee
In the event that the above question is executed effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
# | @CLASS | sum
0 | null | 150000
Execute the accompanying inquiry to get the normal compensation, all things considered.
orientdb {db = demo}>SELECT avg(salary) FROM Employee
In the event that the above question is executed effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
# | @CLASS | avg
0 | null | 25
Collections Functions
Attempt some assortment capacities utilizing the accompanying questions.
Execute the accompanying question to get a bunch of educators, showing class ninth.
orientdb {db = demo}>SELECT ID, set( AS teacherID from classess where class_id = 9
On the off chance that the above question is executed effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
# | @CLASS | id | TeacherID
0 | null | 9 | 1201, 1202, 1205, 1208
Misc Functions
Attempt some Misc capacities utilizing the accompanying questions.
Execute the accompanying inquiry to figure out how to execute if articulation.
orientdb {db = demo}> SELECT if(eval("name = 'satish'"), "My name is satish",
"My name is not satish") FROM Employee
In the event that the above question is executed effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
# |@CLASS | IF
0 |null |My name is satish
1 |null |My name is not satish
2 |null |My name is not satish
3 |null |My name is not satish
4 |null |My name is not satish
Execute the accompanying question to get framework date.
orientdb {db = demo}> SELECT SYSDATE() FROM Employee
On the off chance that the above question is executed effectively, you will get the accompanying yield.
0 |null |2016-02-10 12:05:06
1 |null |2016-02-10 12:05:06
2 |null |2016-02-10 12:05:06
3 |null |2016-02-10 12:05:06
4 |null |2016-02-10 12:05:06
By utilizing this capacity completely you can undoubtedly control the OrientDB information.