Like some other system, we have to interface with the database all the time and CodeIgniter makes this activity simple for us. It gives rich arrangement of functionalities to cooperate with database.
In this segment, we will see how the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) capacities work with CodeIgniter. We will utilize stud table to choose, update, erase, and embed the information in stud table.
Table Name: stud
roll_no int(11)
name varchar(30)
Connecting to a Database
We can interface with database in the accompanying two manner −
- Automatic Connecting − Automatic association should be possible by utilizing the record application/config/autoload.php. Programmed association will stack the database for every single page. We simply need to include the database library as appeared underneath −
$autoload['libraries'] = array(‘database’);
- Manual Connecting−If you need database network for just a portion of the pages, at that point we can go for manual associating. We can interface with database physically by including the accompanying line in any class.
Here, we are not passing any contention since everything is set in the database config document application/config/database.php
Inserting a Record
To embed a record in the database, the addition() work is utilized as appeared in the accompanying table −
Language structure
insert([$table = ''[, $set = NULL[, $escape = NULL]]])
$table (string) − Table name
$set (exhibit) − An affiliated cluster of field/esteem sets
$escape (bool) − Whether to get away from esteems and identifiers
Valid on progress, FALSE on disappointment
Bring Type back
The accompanying model tells the best way to embed a record in stud table. The $data is a cluster where we have set the information and to embed this information to the table stud, we simply need to pass this exhibit to the supplement work in the second contention.
$data = array(
'roll_no' => ‘1’,
'name' => ‘Virat’
$this->db->insert("stud", $data);
Updating a Record
To refresh a record in the database, the update() work is utilized alongside set() and where() works as appeared in the tables underneath. The set() capacity will set the information to be refreshed.
set($key[, $value = ''[, $escape = NULL]])
$key (blended) − Field name, or a variety of field/esteem sets
$value (string) − Field esteem, if $key is a solitary field
$escape (bool) − Whether to get away from esteems and identifiers
CI_DB_query_builder occurrence (strategy affixing)
Bring Type back
The where() capacity will choose which record to refresh.
Linguistic structure
where($key[, $value = NULL[, $escape = NULL]])
$key (blended) − Name of field to analyze, or affiliated exhibit
$value (blended) − If a solitary key, contrasted with this worth
$escape (bool) − Whether to get away from esteems and identifiers
DB_query_builder case
Bring Type back
At long last, the update() capacity will refresh information in the database.
Sentence structure
update([$table = ''[, $set = NULL[, $where = NULL[, $limit = NULL]]]])
$table (string) − Table name
$set (exhibit) − A cooperative cluster of field/esteem sets
$where (string) − The WHERE provision
$limit (int) − The LIMIT provision
Valid on progress, FALSE on disappointment
Bring Type back
$data = array(
'roll_no' => ‘1’,
'name' => ‘Virat’
$this->db->where("roll_no", ‘1’);
$this->db->update("stud", $data);
Deleting a Record
To erase a record in the database, the erase() work is utilized as appeared in the accompanying table −
Linguistic structure
delete([$table = ''[, $where = ''[, $limit = NULL[, $reset_data = TRUE]]]])
$table (blended) − The table(s) to erase from; string or cluster
$where (string) − The WHERE condition
$limit (int) − The LIMIT condition
$reset_data (bool) − TRUE to reset the inquiry "express" provision
CI_DB_query_builder occurrence (technique affixing) or FALSE on disappointment
Bring Type back
Utilize the accompanying code to erase a record in the stud table. The primary contention shows the name of the table to erase record and the subsequent contention chooses which record to erase.
$this->db->delete("stud", "roll_no = 1");
Selecting a Record
To choose a record in the database, the get work is utilized, as appeared in the accompanying table −
get([$table = ''[, $limit = NULL[, $offset = NULL]]])
$table (string) − The table to question exhibit
$limit (int) − The LIMIT provision
$offset (int) − The OFFSET provision
CI_DB_result example (technique tying)
Bring Type back
Utilize the accompanying code to get all the records from the database. The main explanation brings all the records from "stud" table and returns the article, which will be put away in $query object. The subsequent proclamation calls the outcome() work with $query item to get all the records as exhibit.
$query = $this->db->get("stud");
$data['records'] = $query->result();
Closing a Connection
Database connection can be closed manually, by executing the following code −
Create a controller class calledStud_controller.phpand save it atapplication/controller/Stud_controller.php
Here is a complete example, wherein all of the above-mentioned operations are performed. Before executing the following example, create a database and table as instructed at the starting of this chapter and make necessary changes in the database config file stored atapplication/config/database.php
class Stud_controller extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
public function index() {
$query = $this->db->get("stud");
$data['records'] = $query->result();
public function add_student_view() {
public function add_student() {
$data = array(
'roll_no' => $this->input->post('roll_no'),
'name' => $this->input->post('name')
$query = $this->db->get("stud");
$data['records'] = $query->result();
public function update_student_view() {
$roll_no = $this->uri->segment('3');
$query = $this->db->get_where("stud",array("roll_no"=>$roll_no));
$data['records'] = $query->result();
$data['old_roll_no'] = $roll_no;
public function update_student(){
$data = array(
'roll_no' => $this->input->post('roll_no'),
'name' => $this->input->post('name')
$old_roll_no = $this->input->post('old_roll_no');
$query = $this->db->get("stud");
$data['records'] = $query->result();
public function delete_student() {
$roll_no = $this->uri->segment('3');
$query = $this->db->get("stud");
$data['records'] = $query->result();
Create a model class calledStud_Model.phpand save it inapplication/models/Stud_Model.php
class Stud_Model extends CI_Model {
function __construct() {
public function insert($data) {
if ($this->db->insert("stud", $data)) {
return true;
public function delete($roll_no) {
if ($this->db->delete("stud", "roll_no = ".$roll_no)) {
return true;
public function update($data,$old_roll_no) {
$this->db->where("roll_no", $old_roll_no);
$this->db->update("stud", $data);
Create a view file calledStud_add.phpand save it inapplication/views/Stud_add.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang = "en">
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Students Example</title>
echo form_open('Stud_controller/add_student');
echo form_label('Roll No.');
echo form_input(array('id'=>'roll_no','name'=>'roll_no'));
echo "<br/>";
echo form_label('Name');
echo form_input(array('id'=>'name','name'=>'name'));
echo "<br/>";
echo form_submit(array('id'=>'submit','value'=>'Add'));
echo form_close();
Create a view file calledStud_edit.phpand save it inapplication/views/Stud_edit.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang = "en">
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Students Example</title>
<form method = "" action = "">
echo form_open('Stud_controller/update_student');
echo form_hidden('old_roll_no',$old_roll_no);
echo form_label('Roll No.');
echo form_input(array('id'?'roll_no',
echo "
echo form_label('Name');
echo form_input(array('id'?'name','name'?'name',
echo "
echo form_submit(array('id'?'sub mit','value'?'Edit'));
echo form_close();
Create a view file calledStud_view.phpand save it inapplication/views/Stud_view.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang = "en">
<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Students Example</title>
<a href = "<?php echo base_url(); ?>
<table border = "1">
$i = 1;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Sr#</td>";
echo "<td>Roll No.</td>";
echo "<td>Name</td>";
echo "<td>Edit</td>";
echo "<td>Delete</td>";
echo "<tr>";
foreach($records as $r) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$i++."</td>";
echo "<td>".$r->roll_no."</td>";
echo "<td>".$r->name."</td>";
echo "<td><a href = '".base_url()."index.php/stud/edit/"
echo "<td><a href = '".base_url()."index.php/stud/delete/"
echo "<tr>";
Make the following change in the route file atapplication/config/routes.phpand add the following line at the end of file.
$route['stud'] = "Stud_controller";
$route['stud/add'] = 'Stud_controller/add_student';
$route['stud/add_view'] = 'Stud_controller/add_student_view';
$route['stud/edit/(\d+)'] = 'Stud_controller/update_student_view/$1';
$route['stud/delete/(\d+)'] = 'Stud_controller/delete_student/$1';
Now, let us execute this example by visiting the following URL in the browser. Replace the with your URL.