CodeIgniter Architecture
CodeIgniter is intended to convey most extreme execution in less time inside a spotless situation. To accomplish this, each creating procedure is planned in a rearranged manner.
According to specialized perspective it is powerfully launch (libraries are stacked on demand which makes it light-weighted), free coupling. (segments depend exceptionally less on one another) and segment peculiarity (each class and its capacities are barely centered distinctly towards their motivation).
Information stream in CodeIgniter
Take a gander at the above depiction, this stream graph shows information stream in CodeIgniter.
- Record index.php is the default document of CodeIgniter. It instates the base assets.
- The Router chooses what ought to be finished with the data.
- Whenever mentioned reserve document exists, at that point the data is passed legitimately to the program overlooking the further procedures.
- Prior to stacking Application Controller, the HTTP demand and submitted information is passed under Security check.
- The Application Controller loads Models, Libraries, Helpers, Plugins and Scripts required by the solicitation.
- The last page will come to View and afterward sent to the internet browser. In the event that View page isn't reserved, at that point it will be stored first for future solicitations.