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PHP Interview Questions and Answers - Sep 08, 2021


PHP Interview Questions and Answers

Personal home page also abbreviated as PHP is broadly used scripting language specially used for web development and can be embedded into HTML and is primarily completed inside the server. This open-supply language turned into created in 1994 and is now controlled by using the PHP institution. The language can run on various systems such as Windows, Linux, MacOSX, and is compatible with maximum of the servers used today like Apache and IIS; the language also helps a extensive variety of databases.

So if you aspire to be a PHP developer, we have made a collection of famous PHP interview questions to begin your journey in case you are a brisker or to make contributions your journey in case you are expert and want to upgrade your abilties.

Best PHP Interview Questions and Answers

Once you're finished with double-checking all PHP middle concepts and running hard to construct adequacy for the fine PHP frameworks, it’s time to assess how suitable you are. To assist you, right here we have compiled a listing of the Most often requested PHP interview questions that will make certain you hit it proper:

Basic Level Interview Questions

Question: What is PHP?

Answer: PHP (php) is a widespread-reason scripting language, generally applied in C and C++, that is appropriate for web development. It is a fairly performant language as the code need now not be compiled before execution. PHP is unfastened and open-sourced and can be without difficulty found out. It is likewise cost-powerful as maximum internet website hosting servers aid PHP through default. PHP is one of the maximum popular programming languages of 2021. Sample code:

 echo 'Good morning';

Question: What are the Features of PHP7.Four?

Answer: Some new features in PHP7.Four are:

Preloading to similarly improve overall performance.

Arrays spread operator.

One line arrow features (brief closures) for purifier code.

Typed homes inside the magnificence.

Formatting numeric values the usage of underscores.

Extension development using FFI.

A better type of variance.

Question: Explain the distinction between $message and $$message?

Answer: $message is a ordinary variable, which has a hard and fast call and glued price, whereas a $$message is a reference variable, which shops records approximately the variable. The value of $$message can change dynamically as the value of the variable changes.

Question: Explain magic constants in PHP?

Answer: Magic constants begin and end with double underscores and are predefined constants that change their cost based totally on context and usage. There are nine magic constants in PHP:

__LINE__, __FILE__, __DIR__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __TRAIT__, __METHOD__, __NAMESPACE__, ClassName::class

Question: Explain numerous facts sorts of PHP?

Answer: There are one of a kind records kinds in PHP:

String: a series of characters, e.G.," Hackr.Io."

Float: a floating-factor (decimal) wide variety, e.G., 23.456

Integer: an integer, e.G. 12

Boolean: represents  states – real, false.

Object: shops values of various facts types into single entity, eg. Apple = new Fruit();

Array: stores more than one values of identical type, eg. Array("purple", "yellow", "blue")

NULL: while no price is assigned to a variable, it is able to be assigned NULL. For example, $msg = NULL;

Question: Explain isset() characteristic?

Answer: The isset() characteristic exams if the specific variable is ready and has a cost aside from NULL. The characteristic returns Boolean – false if the variable is not set or authentic if the variable is ready. The characteristic can test more than one values: isset(var1, var2, var3…)

Question: Explain the numerous PHP array capabilities?

Answer: There are many array capabilities, all of that are a part of the PHP middle:

Function Description Example Usage
echo() output one or more string
echo "Welcome to"
explode() break string into array
$mystr = “welcome to”

explode(“ ”, $mystr)

will render [0] = “welcome” and so on

ltrim() removes extra characters or spaces from the left side of the string
ltrim($mystr, "…. hello")
parse_str() Parses a query string into variables
str_replace() replaces specified characters of a string
str_replace("mysite","","Welcome to mysite");
str_split() split the string into character array
str_word_count() word count of the string
str_word_count("my name is sam");

result = 4
strlen() calculates length of the string

result = 7
strncmp() compare first few characters of a string
strncmp("welcome to mysite","welcome to", 11);

result = 0 if the first 11 characters are same

Question: Explain the difference between require and include?

Answer: Both require and include are constructs and can be referred to as without parentheses: encompass myfile.Personal home page

However, if the file that is to be protected isn't determined, encompass will problem a caution, and the script will preserve to run. Require will give a fatal error, and the script will stop then and there. If a document is important to the script, then require should be used, else it may be used.

Intermediate Level Interview Questions

Question: How to add documents in PHP?

Answer: Firstly, PHP need to allow file uploads; this could be finished through making the directive file_uploads = On

You can then upload the action approach as 'submit' with the encoding kind as 'multipart/shape-information.'


The myupload.Php record includes code specific to the fule kind to be uploaded, as an example, photo, document, and many others., and info like target route, length, and different parameters.

You can then write the HTML code to upload the record you need through specifying the input kind as 'document.'

Question: How to create a database connection and question in PHP?

Answer: To create a database connection:

$connection = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password);
where $servername, $username, $password should be defined beforehand by the developer.
To check if the connection was successful:
if ($conn->connect_error) {
 die("Connection error: " . $conn->connect_error);
Create database query:
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
 echo "Database successfully created";
} else {
 echo "Error while creating database: " . $conn->error;

Question: Explain Cookies? How to create cookies in PHP?

Answer: Cookies shop facts about a person at the browser. It is used to pick out a consumer and is embedded at the person's pc after they request a specific page. We can create cookies in PHP the usage of the setcookie() feature:

setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, secure, httponly);

right here name is obligatory, and all different parameters are optional.


setcookie(“instrument_selected”, “guitar”)

Question: Explain the Importance of Parser in PHP?

Answer: A PHP parser is a software that converts supply code that the laptop can recognize. This manner some thing set of instructions we give inside the shape of code is transformed into a system-readable format by way of the parser. You can parse PHP code with PHP using the token_get_all function.

Question: Explain the steady() characteristic and its purposes?

Answer: constant() is used to retrieve the value of a regular. It accepts the call of the steady as the enter:

constant(string $name)

The function returns a consistent cost, if available, else returns null.

Question: Can you provide an instance of a PHP Web Application Architecture?

Answer:PHP Web Application Architecture

Question: Define the usage of .Htaccess and personal home page.Ini documents in PHP?

Answer: Both of them are used for making changes to the PHP settings.

.Htaccess – A unique report that may be used to trade or manage the conduct of a website. Directing all customers to 1 page and redirecting the domain’s web page to https or www are  of the most crucial makes use of of the record. For .Htaccess to work, PHP wishes to be hooked up as an Apache module.

Hypertext Preprocessor.Ini – This unique document lets in making changes to the default PHP settings. Either the default php.Ini report may be edited, or a brand new record may be created with relevant additions after which stored as the php.Ini report. For Hypertext Preprocessor.Ini to paintings, PHP wishes to run as CGI.

Question: Draw a evaluation between the collect-time exception and the runtime exception. What are they referred to as?

Answer: Checked exception is the exception that takes place on the compile time. As it isn't feasible to ignore this form of exception, it desires to be handled carefully. An unchecked exception, on the opposite side, is the one that occurs for the duration of the runtime. If a checked exception is not dealt with, it turns into an unchecked exception.

Question: Explain Path Traversal?

Answer: Path Traversal is a form of assault to examine into the documents of a web application. ‘../’ is called dot-dot-sequences. It is a go-platform symbol to move up inside the listing. To operate the internet application record, Path Traversal makes use of the dot-dot-lower sequences.

The attacker can expose the content of the document attacked the usage of the Path Traversal outside the foundation listing of an internet server or software. It is typically accomplished to advantage get entry to token, mystery passwords, and other touchy information saved in the documents.

Path Traversal is likewise called Directory Traversal. It allows the attacker to take advantage of vulnerabilities present in the web file underneath attack.

Question: Explain the distinction between GET and POST requests.

Answer: Any PHP developer desires to have an ok knowledge of the HTTP protocol. The differences between GET and POST are an crucial part of the HTTP protocol learning. Here are the predominant variations between the 2 requests:

GET allows displaying the submitted records as part of the URL. This isn't always the case when using POST as at some point of this time, the facts is encoded inside the request.

The most variety of characters dealt with via GET is constrained to 2048. No such restrictions are imposed on POST.

GET presents help for handiest ASCII data. POST, then again, lets in ASCII, binary records, in addition to other kinds of data.

Typically, GET is used for retrieving information whilst POST is used for placing and updating facts.

Question: Explain the mail function and its syntax.

Answer: To immediately send emails from a script or internet site, the mail() function is used in PHP. It has a total of 5 arguments. The wellknown syntax of a mail function is:

mail (to, subject, message, headers, parameters);

to denotes the receiver of the e-mail

subject denotes the situation of the email

the message is the real message that is to be despatched in the mail (Each line is separated the usage of /n, and the most character restrict is 70.)

headers denote extra statistics approximately the mail, which include CC and BCC (Optional)

parameters denote to some extra parameter to be included within the ship mail software (Optional)

Advanced Level Interview Questions

Question: What is Memcache and Memcached in PHP? Is it feasible to percentage a single example of a Memcache among numerous PHP initiatives?

Answer: Memcached is an powerful caching daemon designed especially for reducing database load in dynamic net programs. Memcache module gives a available procedural and object-orientated interface to Memcached.

Memcache is a reminiscence storage area, and it's miles viable to run Memcache on a unmarried or several servers. Hence, it is possible to share a single instance of Memcache among multiple initiatives.

It is possible to configure a client to talk to a awesome set of times. Therefore, jogging two unique Memcache processes on the identical host is also allowed. Despite strolling at the same host, each of such Memcache methods stay independent, except there is a partition of information.

Question: How are you able to replace Memcached while adjustments are made to PHP?

Answer: There are two approaches of updating the Memcached while changes are made to the PHP code:

Proactively Clearing the Cache – This manner clearing the cache while an insert or update is made

Resetting the Cache – Reset the values as soon as the insert or replace is made

Question: How is the evaluation of objects done in PHP?

Answer: The operator ‘==’ is used for checking whether or not two objects are instanced the use of the same class and have the identical attributes in addition to equal values. To test whether or not  objects are referring to the identical instance of the identical class, the identity operator ‘===’ is used.

Question: How is typecasting completed in PHP?

Answer: The call of the output kind wishes to be laid out in parentheses before the variable this is to be forged. Some examples are:

(array) – casts to array

(bool), (boolean) – casts to Boolean

(double), (drift), (real) – casts to float

(int), (integer) – casts to integer

(object) – casts to item

(string) – casts to string

Question: How would you connect to a MySQL database from a PHP script?

Answer: To connect to some MySQL database, the mysqli_connect() function is used. It is used within the following way:

<!--?php $database = mysqli_connect("HOST", "USER_NAME", "PASSWORD");
mysqli_select_db($database,"DATABASE_NAME"); ?-->

Question: What are constructors and destructors in PHP? Can you offer an instance?

Answer: The constructors and destructors in PHP are a unique type of capabilities, which are mechanically called when a PHP magnificence item is created and destroyed, respectively.

While a constructor is used to initialize the non-public variables of a category, a destructor frees the resourced created or utilized by the elegance.

Here is a code example demonstrating the idea of constructors and destructors:

class ConDeConExample {
 private $name;
 private $link;
 public function __construct($name) {
 $this->name = $name;
 } # Constructor
 public function setLink(Foo $link){
 $this->link = $link;
 public function __destruct() {
 echo 'Destroying: ', $this->name, PHP_EOL;
 } # Destructor

Question: What are some not unusual blunders sorts in PHP?

Answer: PHP helps three sorts of mistakes:

Notices – Errors which might be non-critical. These occur for the duration of the script execution. Accessing an undefined variable is an instance of a Notice.

Warnings – Errors that have a higher priority than Notices. Like with Notices, the execution of a script containing Warnings remains uninterrupted. An example of a Notice includes a document that doesn’t exist.

Fatal Error – A termination inside the script execution results as soon as such an mistakes is encountered. Accessing a belongings of a non-current object yields a Fatal Error.

Question: What are the most critical blessings of the use of PHP 7 over PHP five?


Support for sixty four-bit Integers – While PHP 7 comes with integrated support for local 64-bit integers and also for large files, PHP five doesn’t offer support for both of them.

Performance – PHP 7 performs some distance higher than PHP 5. PHP 7 uses PHP-NG (NG stands for Next Generation), while PHP five is based on Zend II.

Return Type – One of the most essential downsides of PHP 5 is that it doesn’t permit for defining the return sort of a characteristic. This hassle is removed via PHP 7, which permits a developer to outline the sort of cost back by means of any function within the code.

Error Handling – It is extremely difficult to manage fatal errors in PHP 5. PHP 7, on the alternative, comes with a brand new Exception Objects engine. It enables in managing numerous main important errors, which are now changed with exceptions.

Anonymous Class – To execute the class handiest as soon as, for increasing the execution time, we've the anonymous class in PHP 7. It is not available in PHP 5.

Group Use Declaration – PHP 7 permits all of the classes, constants, and functions to be imported from the identical namespace to be grouped in a unmarried-use assertion. This is referred to as organization use assertion. The feature is not available in PHP 5.

New Operators – Several new operators are brought to PHP 7, inclusive of ‘<=>’ and ‘??’ The former is referred to as the three-way evaluation operator, and the latter is called the null coalescing operator.

Question: What are the diverse ways of handling the end result set of Mysql in PHP?

Answer: There are 4 approaches of dealing with the result set of Mysql in PHP:





Question: What are the Traits in PHP?

Answer: The mechanism allows for the introduction of reusable code in PHP-like languages where there's no support for a couple of inheritances. A trait can’t be instantiated on its personal.

Question: What is a session in PHP? Write a code instance to demonstrate the removal of consultation records.

Answer: The only way to store data for person customers in opposition to a unique consultation ID is through the usage of a PHP session. It is used for preserving states at the server in addition to sharing information throughout several pages. This desires to be completed because HTTP is a stateless protocol.

Typically, session IDs are sent to the browser the usage of consultation cookies. The ID is used for retrieving existing consultation facts. If the consultation ID isn't to be had on the server, then PHP creates a brand new session after which generates a brand new session ID.

Here is the program for demonstrating how session information is removed:

$_SESSION['user_info'] = ['user_id' =>1,
'first_name' =>
'Hacker', 'last_name' =>
'.io', 'status' =>
if (isset($_SESSION['user_info']))
echo "logged In";
session_destroy(); // Removal of entire session data

Question: What might you say is the first-class hashing method for passwords?

Answer: Rather than using the standard hashing algorithms, such as md5, sha1, and sha256, it's far prime to use either crypt() or hash(). While crypt() affords native assist for several hashing algorithms, hash(,) offers guide for even greater of them.

Question: Why is it not possible for JavaScript and PHP to engage without delay? Do you understand any workarounds?

Answer: No direct interaction is viable among JS and PHP because while the previous is a consumer-side language, the latter is a server-aspect language. An indirect interaction among the two leading programming languages can manifest the usage of changing variables.

This trade of variable is possible due to  motives:

PHP can generate JavaScript code supposed to be carried out through the browser

It is plausible to bypass a particular variable again to PHP through the URL. Because PHP continually gets to be finished before JavaScript, the JS variables need to be exceeded thru a shape or the URL. To skip the variables, GET and POST are used. Similarly, to retrieve the handed variable, $_GET and $_POST are used.

Question: Write code in PHP to calculate the whole quantity of days between two dates?


$date1 = ‘2019-01-11’; # Date 1
$date2 = ‘2019-01-09’; # Date 2
$days = (strtotime($date1)-strtotime($date2))/(60*60*24);
echo $days;



Question: Briefly provide an explanation for PHP & some of the popular PHP frameworks.

Answer: PHP is a famous server-facet scripting language used by developers to dynamically create webpages. Originally, PHP intended Personal Home Page. However, nowadays it stands for the recursive acronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

As of now, there is a extensive range of PHP frameworks available. Three of the maximum famous PHP frameworks are in brief explained as follows:

CodeIgniter – Simplistic and powerful, CodeIgniter is an exceedingly lightweight PHP framework with a hassle-unfastened set up manner and minimalistic configuration necessities. The complete framework is a trifling 2 MB and that too, along with the documentation. As it comes with many prebuilt modules that help in growing strong, reusable components, CodeIgniter is ideal for growing dynamic websites. The famous PHP framework also offers a easy working revel in on each devoted as well as shared web hosting structures.

Laravel – Although now not as old as a number of the other famous PHP frameworks, Laravel is perhaps the maximum famous PHP framework. Launched in 2011, the giant reputation enjoyed by means of the PHP framework may be credited to its capability to provide extra velocity and protection for coping with complicated internet packages. Laravel also eases the development process with the aid of lowering the complexity of repetitive responsibilities, including authentication, routing, sessions, and queuing.

Symfony – Used through PHP developers ever on account that its release back in 2005, Symfony is a popular PHP framework that has stood the check of time. It has matured over its run of virtually one-and-a-half of decade. An huge PHP framework, Symfony, is the only PHP framework that follows the standard of PHP and web completely. Popular CMSs like Drupal, OroCRM, and PHPBB employ numerous Symfony additives.

If you are interested by gaining knowledge of Codeigniter, Laravel or Symfony, then Hackr has programming community-endorsed nice tutorials and guides:

Codeigniter tutorials and publications

Laravel tutorials and courses

Symfony tutorials and guides

Question: Will you draw a contrast between server-side and patron-facet programming languages?

Answer: Server-side programming languages are used for building applications that run on a server and generate the contents of a web site. Examples of server-aspect programming languages consist of C++, Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby. A server-aspect programming language helps in:

Accessing and/or writing a report present at the server

Interacting with different servers

Processing consumer enter

Querying and processing the database(s)

Structuring internet packages

Contrary to the server-aspect programming languages, consumer-side programming languages help in developing packages that run on the customer machine, generally browser, and includes displaying output and/or extra processing, such as reading and writing cookies.

CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and VBScript are popular patron-facet programming languages. A customer-side programming language permits:

Developing interactive webpages

Interacting with transient storage and/or nearby garage

Making facts and/or different requests to the server

Offering an interface among the server and the stop-person

Question: Please give an explanation for the variations between the echo and print statements in PHP?

Answer: There are two statements for purchasing output in PHP - echo and print. Following are the distinctions between the 2:

Although used rarely, echo has the capability to take multiple parameters. The print announcement, on the opposite, can be given best a unmarried argument

Echo has no go back cost while, print has a return value of 1. Hence, the latter is the go-to alternative for using in expressions

Generally, the echo declaration is preferred over the print assertion as it is slightly quicker

Question: How do static websites fluctuate from dynamic web sites?

Answer: There are  kinds of web sites, static and dynamic. Differences among the two are enumerated as follows:

Advantage – The main advantage of a static website is flexibility, whereas the primary benefit for a dynamic internet site comes within the form of a CMS

Changes/Modification – Changes are made to the content material of a static internet site simplest when the document is up to date and posted i.E., despatched to the webserver. Dynamic web sites, then again, includes “server-aspect” code that permits the server to generate specific content material whilst the web site is loaded

Content – The content remains the equal each time the web page is reloaded for a static website. Contrarily, the content belonging to a dynamic website is updated regularly

Response – Static web sites send the identical reaction for every request while dynamic websites would possibly generate distinct HTML for different requests

Technologies Involved – Mere HTML is used for constructing static web sites at the same time as dynamic websites are developed using numerous technologies, along with ASP.Net, JSP, Servlet, and PHP

Question: Please give an explanation for the usage of the imagetypes() characteristic?

Answer: The imagetypes() feature gives the image format and types supported by the prevailing model of the GD-PHP.

Question: Can you give an explanation for the difference among ‘passing the variable by price’ and ‘passing the variable by means of reference’ in PHP?

Answer: Passing the variable by fee means that the fee of the variable is at once passed to the called function. It then uses the value saved in the variable. Any changes made to the characteristic doesn’t affect the supply variable.

Passing the variable by way of reference approach that the deal with of the variable wherein the fee is saved is surpassed to the referred to as characteristic. It makes use of the cost saved inside the passed deal with. Any changes made to the function does have an effect on the source variable.

Question: What do you apprehend by means of typecasting and kind juggling?

Answer: When a variable’s facts kind is converted explicitly through the person, it's far called typecasting. The PHP programming language doesn’t guide specific type definition in variable assertion. Hence, the information kind of the variable is determined by means of the context wherein the variable is used.

For example, if a string price is assigned to a $var variable, then it robotically receives converted to a string. Likewise, if an integer cost is assigned to $var, then it will become an integer. This is called type juggling.

Question: Could you give an explanation for a way to fetch records from a MySQL database the usage of PHP?

Answer: To start with, you want to first establish a reference to the MySQL database that you want to use. For that, you can use the mysqli_connect() characteristic.

Suppose that the database which you need to get right of entry to is stored on a server named localhost and has the call instanceDB. Also, it has user_name because the username and pass_word because the password.

For setting up a connection to the instanceDB, you need to use the following PHP code:

$servername = “localhost”;
$username = “user_name”;
$password = “pass_word”;
$dbname = “instanceDB”;
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if (!$conn) { // For checking connection to the database
 die(“Connection failed: ” . mysqli_connect_error());

Next, you need to use the SELECT statement to fetch data from one or more tables. The general syntax is:

SELECT column_name from table_name

Suppose, we have a single table called instancetable with column_1, column_2, and column_3 in the instanceDB, then to fetch data; we need to add the following PHP code:

$sql = “SELECT column_1, column_2, column_3 from instancetable”;
$result = $conn->query($sql);

Question: How will you show textual content with PHP Script?

Answer: Either the echo declaration or the print statement can be used for showing textual content with a PHP script. In traditional situations, the previous is preferred over the latter due to the fact it is barely quicker.

Question: What are some of the most famous PHP-based totally Content Management Systems (CMS)?

Answer: There are a plethora of PHP-primarily based Content Management Systems in use nowadays. Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress are the most popular the various bunch.

Question: Can you give an explanation for PHP parameterized features?

Answer: Functions with parameters are called PHP parameterized functions. It is possible to pass as many parameters as you’d like interior a characteristic. Specified in the parentheses after the function call, these all parameters act as variables inside the PHP parameterized function.

Question: Can you provide an explanation for the difference among mysqli_connect() and mysqli_pconnect() functions?

Answer: Both mysqli_connect() and mysqli_pconnect() are functions utilized in PHP for connecting to a MySQL database. However, the latter guarantees that a persistent connection is established with the database. It means that the connection doesn’t close at the cease of a PHP script.

Question: Explain $_SESSION in PHP?

Answer: The $_SESSION[] is called an associative array in PHP. It is used for storing session variables that can be accessed during the complete life of a consultation.

Question: Explain the difference between substr() and strstr() capabilities?

Answer: The substr() function returns a part of some string. It allows in splitting a string part-via-part in PHP. This function is normally to be had in all programming languages with almost the identical syntax.

General syntax:

substr(string, start, length);

The strstr() function is used for looking a string inside any other string in PHP. Unlike the substr() feature, strstr() is a case-sensitive characteristic.

General syntax:

strstr(string, search, before_string);

Question: Explain the use of the $_REQUEST variable?

Answer: $_REQUEST is an associative array that, by default, consists of the contents of the $_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST superglobal variables.

Because the variables in the $_REQUEST array are supplied to the PHP script through COOKIE, GET, and POST enter mechanisms, it is able to be changed by way of the remote consumer. The variables and their order indexed within the $_REQUEST array is described within the PHP variables_order configuration directive.

Question: Please enumerate the important differences between for and foreach loop in PHP?

Answer: Following are the terrific variations between for and for each loop:

The for-every loop is normally used for dynamic array

The for loop has a counter and for this reason calls for more memory. The for-every loop has no counter, and as a result there is no requirement for additional reminiscence

You want to decide the quantity of times the loop is to be carried out whilst using the for a loop. However, you want now not accomplish that even as using the for each loop

Question: Is it feasible to put up a shape with a devoted button?

Answer: Yes, it is viable to post a shape with a committed button with the aid of using the report.Shape.Submit() method. The code can be some thing like this:

<input type=button value=“SUBMIT” onClick=“document.form.submit()”>

Question: Please provide an explanation for whether or not it's far possible to increase a final described elegance or not?

Answer: No, it isn’t viable to extend a very last defined magnificence. The final keyword prevents the magnificence from extending. When used with a technique, the very last keyword prevents it from overriding.

Question: Will or not it's possible to extend the execution time of a PHP script? How?

Answer: Yes, it's miles viable to extend the execution time of a PHP script. We have the set_time_limit(int seconds) characteristic for that. You need to specify the period, in seconds, for that you wish to extend the execution time of a PHP script. The default time is 30 seconds.


That’s desirous about now! Here are a few vital PHP tutorials to move for, just in case. Keep your calm, and stay assured all through the big day.

Though having a very good understanding of the technical concepts is crucial, your presentation is likewise one that’s being reviewed.

We would advocate you a brilliant course that will help you enhance your interview capabilities with the maximum questions set: PHP Interview Questions with Solutions part 1.

We also endorse a tremendous book to prepare for the PHP Interview, that's, Modern PHP: Modern PHP: New Features and Good Practices 1st Edition.