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FuelPHP Interview Questions and Answers - Jul 14, 2022


FuelPHP Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. What is FuelPHP?

Ans: FuelPHP is PHP Framework written in PHP primarily based at the HMVC sample.FuelPHP is a simple, bendy, network pushed PHP five.Three net framework based totally at the nice ideas of different frameworks with a clean start

Q2. What is minimal PHP Version required for FulePHP?

Ans: PHP five.Four+

Q3. What are the capabilities of FuelPHPFramework?

Ans: FuelPHPFramework capabilities are:

URL routing gadget

Restful implementation

HMVC implementation

Form Data validation

ORM (Object Relational Mapper)

Vulnerability protections like XSS, CSRF, SQL Protection and encode output.

Caching System

Q4. What are the minimal requirements for putting in FuelPHPFramework?

Ans: There are the following minimum necessities for installing FuelPHPFuelPHP Framework:

PHP Version >= 5.Three.3

Mbstringphp extension hooked up and enabled

Mcryptphp extension set up and enabled

Fileinfophp extension installed and enabled

PHPUnit model three.7 or extra is required if we need to run unit exams.

Q5. What Are Benefits Of Hmvc?






Q6. List Reserved Routes In Fuelphp.

Ans: In Fuel, there are 4 reserved routes. They are _root_, _403_, _404_ and _500_.

_root_ – The default direction whilst no URI is designated.

_403_ – The direction used while the application throws an HttpNoAccessException that isn’t stuck.

_404_ – The direction used while the software throws an HttpNotFoundException that isn’t caught.

_500_ – The course used while the utility throws an HttpServerErrorException that isn’t caught.

Q7. How can we quick installFuelPHP Framework?

Ans: We can short installation FuelPHP Framework by means of the usage of a few command:

Quick set up the use of Oil from the net sh

Now that oil is set up, create a blog undertaking in a listing referred to as Sites.

 $ cd Sites/

 $ oil create blog

Q8. What is the controller in FuelPhp framework?

Ans: Controller is a category that incorporates movement methods. It is used to control HTTP customer request and respond returned.

All controllers are saved inside the gas/app/classes/controller/ listing.


classController_Employee extends Controller 

public function action_home() 

echo "FuelPHP-Employee software!";


public characteristic action_index() 

echo "This is the index method of worker controller";

There are two strategies in the controller.

Before() movement approach

after() action method.

Q9. What is the use of Oil Package in FuelPHPFramework?

Ans: In FuelPHP, Oil bundle is used for installation, improvement and trying out of application.

Q10. What is Presenter and the way to create Presenter in FuelPHP Framework?

Ans: A Presenter is a class that carries the logic. It is needed to generate our view. A Presenter have to now not do any records manipulation however it may comprise database calls or every other retrieval.

To create empty Presenters:

classPresenter_Index extends Presenter

--- Body --


Q11. How are we able to get query in FuelPHP Framework?

Ans: In FuelPHP, we are able to get query by using the usage of following steps:

$userQueryToExecute = Model_Article::query()


->where('blocked', '=', 1);


$userQueryToExecute ->get_query();

Q12. How to test that Redis server is walking?

Ans: strive  $redis = Redis::instance();  seize(RedisException $e)  //right here error will come 

Q13. What Are Inbuilt Security Features Comes With Fuelphp?

Ans: Fuel takes security very significantly, and as a end result, has carried out the subsequent measures to make certain the protection of your net applications:

Output encoding

CSRF safety

XSS filtering

Input filtering

SQL injection

Q14. What are the Session strategies in FuelPHP?

Ans: In FuelPHP Session strategies are given below table:

Session Methods    Description

set()    It is used to assign a session variable.

Get()    It is used to assign a consultation variable.

Delete()    It is used to retrieve the stored variable from the periods.

Create()    It is used to create a new consultation.

Spoil()    It is used to wreck an current consultation.

Q15. Is FuelPHP aid Multilingual?

Ans: Yes, FuelPHP supports Multilingual.