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Weirdest Questions Asked in job interviews?


Weirdest Questions Asked in job interviews?

Glassdoor gathered some most irregular inquiries questions presented by the individuals who met in the most recent year.

Most bizarre Questions

Here are sometop meet questionsalong with the talked with organization names and occupation profiles:

1.Why is the earth round?- - Asked by Twitter for a product engineer position.

2.You're wearing an ID, mention to me your opinion of it- - Asked by Yahoo for a partner item chief position

3.Choose a city and gauge what number of piano tuners work a business there.- - Asked by Google for aproject managementposition.

4.How numerous service stations are in San Jose?- - Asked by Adobe for a quality designing administration position

5.How much do you charge to wash each window in Seattle? - Asked by Facebook for an online deals activities position

6.If you woke up and had 2,000 new messages and could just answer 300 of them, how might you pick which ones to reply? - Asked by Dropbox for a revolution program position

7.What would you do on the off chance that you were the one survivor in a plane accident? - Asked via Airbnb for a trust and security agent position

8.How numerous youngsters are brought into the world consistently? - Asked by Apple for a worldwide stock administrator position

9.Design a flavor rack for the visually impaired.- - Asked by Intel for an equipment engineer position

10.What sort of tree would you be?- - Asked by Cisco for a senior specialized essayist position.

11.If you had a decision between two superpowers (being imperceptible or flying) which would you pick?- - Asked by Microsoft for an elevated level item lead/evangelist position

12.What is your involvement in working with recent college grads?- - Asked by LinkedIn for an unexpected workforce pro position

13.If you went entryway to entryway informing everyone about nature and someone said that the legislature can deal with it, what might you let them know? - Asked by Yelp for a field executive position.