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PHPExcel import Excel to mysql in Laravel 5


PHPExcel import Excel to mysql in Laravel 5

In the database area, I need to upload Excel values. My Excel file has row values using laravel 5.

Now you can use your controllers or middleware or library's PHPEXCEL database.

use PHPExcel;
use PHPExcel_IOFactory; 

Import excel file to mysql in laravel 5 show below example.

$dir = 'assets/files/';
$filename = 'demo.xlsx';
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($dir . $filename);
$sheet_data = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,true,true,true);
foreach($sheet_data as $data)
    $post = new DiamondMaster;
    $post->C_Name =  $supplier_name;
    $post->Loat_NO =  $data['A'];
    $post->C_Shape =  $shape;
    $post->C_Weight =  $data['D'];
    $post->C_Color =  $C_Color;
    $post->C_Clarity =  $C_Clarity;
    $post->C_NetD =  $data['G'];
    $post->C_Rap =  $data['H'];
    $post->C_Discount =  $supplierdiscount;
    $post->C_Rap =  $data['J'];
    $post->C_Cut =  $C_Cut;
    $post->C_Polish =  $C_Polish;
    $post->C_Symmetry =  $C_Symmetry;
    $post->C_Fluorescence =  $C_Fluorescence;
    $post->C_TableP =  $data['R'];
    $post->C_DefthP =  $data['Q'];
    $post->Lab =  $data['S'];
    $post->BGM = ($data['U'] != "") ? $data['U'] : '';
    $post->gridle =  $data['Y'];
    $post->Crn_Ht =  $data['Z'];
    $post->Crn_Ag =  $data['AA'];
    $post->Pav_Ag =  $data['AC'];
    $post->Pav_Dp =  $data['AB'];
    $post->Certi_NO =  $data['AD'];
    $post->key_symbols =  $data['AE'];
    $post->C_Length =  $C_Length;
    $post->C_Width =  $C_Width;
    $post->C_Depth =  $C_Depth;
    $post->image = ($images != "") ? $images : '';
    $post->Location =  '16';
    $post->is_delete =  '0';