How to Create Dynamic Sitemap in PHP Codeigniter?
A Sitemap is very important for Google, Yahoo, being SEO. every site basic requirement is sitemap because we can give XML sitemap to google web console tool. So here I would like to share with you how to create dynamic XML sitemap in CodeIgniter 3 application. we will generate sitemap XML without using any plugin or anything in CodeIgniter application.
Here, you need to simply follow few steps to add XML sitemap for SEO in PHP CodeIgniter. I simply created one table with items and getting all slug URL and make it dynamic sitemap. So you just see below code with the route, controller and view file as bellow.
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Step 1: Create Route
we are going from scratch, we need to create one "sitemap.xml" route for access from URL. so open routes.php file and add code like as bellow:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
$route['sitemap\.xml'] = "Sitemap/index";
Step 2: Create Sitemap Controller
now, we have to create "Sitemap" controller with index(). so create Sitemap.php file in this path application/controllers/Sitemap.php and put bellow code in this file:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Sitemap extends CI_Controller {
* Index Page for this controller.
public function index()
$query = $this->db->get("items");
$data['items'] = $query->result();
$this->load->view('sitemap', $data);
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Step 3: Create XML File
In this step we will create sitemap.php view file . In this file we will write design of xml file with dynamic code. So let's update following file:
<?php echo'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' ?>
<urlset xmlns="">
<loc><?php echo base_url();?></loc>
<!-- Sitemap -->
<?php foreach($items as $item) { ?>
<loc><?php echo base_url()."item/".$item->id ?></loc>
<?php } ?>
So let's run and see how it looks your xml file.
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you can run on following URL:
I hop it can help you...