In SQLite, sqlite3 order is utilized to make another SQLite information base. You don't have to have any unique advantage to make a data set.
Following is the essential punctuation of sqlite3 order to make a data set: −
$sqlite3 DatabaseName.db
Continuously, data set name ought to be exceptional inside the RDBMS.
On the off chance that you need to make another information base <testDB.db>, at that point SQLITE3 articulation would be as per the following −
$sqlite3 testDB.db
SQLite version 2013-01-09 11:53:05
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
The above order will make a record testDB.db in the current catalog. This record will be utilized as information base by SQLite motor. On the off chance that you have seen while making information base, sqlite3 order will give a sqlite> brief in the wake of making a data set record effectively.
When an information base is made, you can check it in the rundown of data sets utilizing the accompanying SQLite .data sets order.
seq name file
--- --------------- ----------------------
0 main /home/sqlite/testDB.db
You will utilize SQLite .quit order to emerge from the sqlite quick as follows −
The .dump Command
You can utilize .dump dab order to trade total data set in a content document utilizing the accompanying SQLite order at the order brief.
$sqlite3 testDB.db .dump > testDB.sql
The above order will change over the whole substance of testDB.db data set into SQLite explanations and dump it into ASCII text document testDB.sql. You can perform reclamation from the created testDB.sql in a straightforward manner as follows −
$sqlite3 testDB.db < testDB.sql
As of now your data set is unfilled, so you can attempt over two techniques once you have not many tables and information in your data set. For the time being, how about we continue to the following section.