You can make a data set in PouchDB utilizing the PouchDB constructor.
Sentence structure
Following is the sentence structure of utilizing the PouchDB constructor. To this, you need to pass the name of the information base as a boundary.
new PouchDB(Database_name)
To make an information base in PouchDB utilizing hub, most importantly, you need to require the PouchDB bundle utilizing the require() strategy and afterward you can make a data set as demonstrated in the accompanying model.
//Requiring the package
var PouchDB = require('PouchDB');
//Creating the database object
var db = new PouchDB('my_database');
console.log ("Database created Successfully.");
Save the above code in a document with the name Create_Database.js. Open the order provoke and execute the JavaScript document utilizing hub as demonstrated beneath.
C:\PouchDB_Examples>node Create_Database.js
This will make an information base locally (you can see the organizer in the current registry) showing the accompanying message.
Database created Successfully.