IoT Network Layer Protocols
The system layer is partitioned into two sublayers: steering layer which handles the exchange of parcels from source to goal, and an embodiment layer that shapes the bundles.
RPL Protocol
RPL represents Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Network. It is a separation vector convention that bolsters a varity of Data Link Protocols. RPL assembles a Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) which has just one course from each leaf hub to the root. All the traffic right now steered through the root. At first, every hub sends a DODAG Information Object (DIO) reporting them self as a root. This data goes in the system, and complete DODAG is bit by bit fabricated. At the point when another hub needs to join the system, it sends a DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS) solicitation and root reacts back with a DAO Acknowledgment (DAO-ACK) affirming the join.
CORPL Protocol
CORPL convention is the expansion of the RPL convention, which is named as intellectual RPL. This system convention is intended for subjective systems and utilizations DODAG topology. CORPL convention makes two new adjustments in the RPL convention. It utilizes shrewd sending to advance a bundle between the hubs. Every hub of CORPL convention keeps the data of sending set as opposed to guardians just looking after it. Every hub refreshes its progressions to its neighbor utilizing DIO messages. Based on this refreshed message, every hub often refreshes its neighbor for consistent forwarder set.
CARP Protocol
CARP (Channel-Aware Routing Protocol) is a circulated steering convention. It is intended for submerged correspondence. It has lightweight parcels with the goal that it tends to be utilized for Internet of Things (IoT). It performs two distinct functionalities: organize instatement and information sending. CARP convention doesn't bolster recently gathered information. Henceforth, it isn't gainful for those IoT or other application where information is changed much of the time. The upgradation of CARP is done in E-CARP which defeats the constraint of CARP. The E-CARP permits the sink hub to spare recently got tangible information.
The 6LoWPAN convention alludes to IPv6 Low Power Personal Area Network which utilizes a lightweight IP-based correspondence to go over low information rate systems. It has constrained preparing capacity to move data remotely utilizing a web convention. In this way, it is principally utilized for home and building robotization. The 6LoWPAN convention works just inside the 2.4 GHz recurrence run with 250 kbps move rate. It has a most extreme length of 128-piece header parcels.
6LowPAN Security Measure
Security is a significant issue for 6LowPAN correspondence Protocol. There are a few assaults issues at the security level of 6LoWPAN which point is to coordinate devastation of the system. Since it is the blend of two frameworks, in this way, there is a chance of assault from different sides that objectives all the layer of the 6LoWPAN stack (Physical layer, Data connect layer, Adaptation layer, Network layer, Transport layer, Application layer).
Properties of 6LowPAN convention
- Standard: RFC6282
- Recurrence: Used over an assortment of other systems administration media including Bluetooth Smart (2.4GHz) or ZigBee or low-power RF (sub-1GHz)
- Range: NA
- Information Rates: NA