How to Uninstall Software Packages on Ubuntu
Now and then you may introduce an application on your Ubuntu, and in the wake of attempting it, you choose this application isn't for you. For this situation, you'll most likely need to uninstall the bundle.
In this article, we will tell you the best way to uninstall programming bundles utilizing the graphical "Ubuntu Software Center" and through the order line, utilizing the able or adept get orders.
Just root or client with sudo advantages can uninstall bundles from Ubuntu.
Uninstalling Packages using the Ubuntu Software Center
On the off chance that the order line isn't your thing, you can uninstall applications through the Ubuntu Software Center (USC). This utility gives a graphical interface to discover, introduce, and uninstall applications.
In the Activities screen, look for "Ubuntu Software" and snap on the orange USC symbol. This will open the USC device.
To get a rundown of all introduced applications, click on the "Introduced" tab at the top route bar.
Look down until you discover the application you need to uninstall and tap on the "Eliminate" button close to it.
The Ubuntu Software device shows just introduced applications that have a graphical UI (GUI). In the event that you can't discover the bundle that you need to uninstall, at that point you should eliminate the bundle from the order line.
Uninstalling Packages using the Command Line
All that you can do utilizing the GUI apparatuses, you can do from the order line. Indeed, the order line gives you more alternatives and control for uninstalling the product bundles.
You can open your terminal either by utilizing the Ctrl+Alt+T console easy route or by tapping on the terminal symbol.
Prior to uninstalling the product bundle, you should initially locate the specific bundle name. To get a rundown of all introduced bundles on your framework type:
sudo apt list --installed
The order will print an extensive rundown of the introduced bundles. It very well may be a smart thought to pipe the yield to less to make it simpler to peruse. Or on the other hand you can utilize grep to channel the outcomes.
On Ubuntu, Debian, and related Linux conveyances you can introduce, update, uninstall and in any case overseeing programming bundles utilizing the well-suited and able get order line utilities. The grammar of the two orders is indistinguishable.
To eliminate an introduced bundle, run the accompanying order:
sudo apt remove package_name
Supplant package_name the name of the bundle you need to eliminate.
sudo apt-get remove package_name
You can likewise uninstall numerous bundles. The bundles names should b isolated by space:
sudo apt remove package1 package2
The eliminate order uninstalls the given bundles, yet it might leave some bundle documents behind. On the off chance that you need to eliminate the bundle including every one of its documents, use cleanse rather than eliminate :
sudo apt purge package_name
Uninstall Snap Packages
In the event that the application you need to uninstall isn't recorded when running sudo adept rundown - introduced then likely it was introduced as a snap bundle.
To list all introduced snap bundle run the accompanying order:
snap list
When you realize the specific bundle name you can uninstall it by composing:
sudo snap remove package_name
Uninstall Unused Packages
At whatever point you introduce another bundle that relies upon different bundles, the bundle conditions will be introduced as well. At the point when the bundle is uninstalled, the reliance bundles will remain on the framework. This extra bundles are not, at this point utilized by whatever else and can be taken out.
You can eliminate the unneeded bundles with:
sudo apt autoremove
We have told you the best way to eliminate applications from your Ubuntu through the order line and utilizing the Ubuntu Software Center. Realizing how to eliminate bundles is a basic piece of Linux framework organization.
There are various reasons why you will need to eliminate a formerly introduced bundle from your Ubuntu. For instance, you may need to uninstall an application that you at this point don't require or to let loose your circle space.
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