How to Set Up a Firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04
An appropriately designed firewall is perhaps the main parts of in general framework security. Naturally, Ubuntu accompanies a firewall setup device called UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall). UFW is an easy to understand front-end for overseeing iptables firewall rules and its primary objective is to make overseeing iptables simpler or as the name says straightforward.
Before you start with this instructional exercise, ensure you are signed into your worker with a client account with sudo advantages or with the root client. The best practice is to run regulatory orders as a sudo client rather than root. On the off chance that you don't have a sudo client on your Ubuntu framework you can make one by adhering to these directions .
Install UFW
Straightforward Firewall should be introduced naturally in Ubuntu 18.04, yet on the off chance that it isn't introduced on your framework, you can introduce the bundle by composing:
sudo apt install ufw
Check UFW Status
When the establishment is finished you can check the status of UFW with the accompanying order:
sudo ufw status verbose
UFW is crippled naturally. On the off chance that you never enacted UFW, the yield will resemble this:
Status: inactive
On the off chance that UFW is enacted, the yield will seem to be like the accompanying:
UFW Default Policies
Of course, UFW will hinder the entirety of the approaching associations and permit every single outbound association. This implies that anybody attempting to get to your worker won't have the option to associate except if you explicitly open the port, while all applications and administrations running on your worker will have the option to get to the rest of the world.
The default polices are characterized in the/and so on/default/ufw document and can be changed utilizing the sudo ufw default <policy> <chain> order.
Firewall strategies are the establishment for building more point by point and client characterized rules. By and large, the underlying UFW Default Policies are a decent beginning stage.
Application Profiles
When introducing a bundle with the well-suited order it will add an application profile to/and so on/ufw/applications.d registry. The profile depicts the administration and contains UFW settings.
You can list all application profiles accessible on your worker by composing:
sudo ufw app list
Contingent upon the bundles introduced on your framework the yield will seem to be like the accompanying:
Available applications:
Dovecot IMAP
Dovecot POP3
Dovecot Secure IMAP
Dovecot Secure POP3
Nginx Full
Nginx HTTP
Postfix SMTPS
Postfix Submission
To discover more data about a particular profile and included standards, utilize the accompanying order:
sudo ufw app info 'Nginx Full'
Profile: Nginx Full
Title: Web Server (Nginx, HTTP + HTTPS)
Description: Small, but very powerful and efficient web server
As should be obvious from the yield over the 'Nginx Full' profile opens port 80 and 443.
Allow SSH Connections
Prior to empowering the UFW firewall we need to add a standard which will permit approaching SSH associations. In case you're associating with your worker from a distant area, which is quite often the situation and you empower the UFW firewall before unequivocally permit approaching SSH associations you will not, at this point have the option to interface with your Ubuntu worker.
To arrange your UFW firewall to permit approaching SSH associations, type the accompanying order:
sudo ufw allow ssh
Rules updated
Rules updated (v6)
In the event that you changed the SSH port to a custom port rather than the port 22, you should open that port.
For instance, in the event that your ssh daemon tunes in on port 4422, at that point you can utilize the accompanying order to permit associations on that port:
sudo ufw allow 4422/tcp
Enable UFW
Since your UFW firewall is designed to permit approaching SSH associations, we can empower it by composing:
sudo ufw enable
Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
You will be cautioned that empowering the firewall may disturb existing ssh associations, simply type y and hit Enter.
Allow connections on other ports
Contingent upon the applications that sudden spike in demand for your worker and your particular requirements you'll likewise have to permit approaching admittance to some different ports.
Underneath we will show you a couple of models on the best way to permit approaching associations with probably the most widely recognized administrations:
Open port 80 - HTTP
HTTP associations can be permitted with the accompanying order:
sudo ufw allow http
rather than http you can utilize the port number, 80:
sudo ufw permit 80/tcp
or then again you can utilize the application profile, for this situation, 'Nginx HTTP':
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP'
Open port 443 - HTTPS
HTTP associations can be permitted with the accompanying order:
sudo ufw allow https
To accomplish the equivalent rather than https profile you can utilize the port number, 443:
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
or then again you can utilize the application profile, 'Nginx HTTPS':
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTPS'
Open port 8080
On the off chance that you run Tomcat or whatever other application that tunes in on port 8080 to permit approaching associations type:
sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp
Allow Port Ranges
Rather than permitting admittance to single ports UFW permits us to permit admittance to port reaches. When permitting port reaches with UFW, you should determine the convention, either tcp or udp. For instance, in the event that you need to permit ports from 7100 to 7200 on both tcp and udp then run the accompanying order:
sudo ufw allow 7100:7200/tcp
sudo ufw allow 7100:7200/udp
Allow Specific IP Addresses
To permit access on all ports from your home machine with IP address of, indicate from followed by the IP address you need to whitelist:
sudo ufw allow from
Allow Specific IP Addresses on Specific port
To permit access on a particular port suppose port 22 from your work machine with IP address of, use to any port followed by the port number:
sudo ufw allow from to any port 22
Allow Subnets
The order for permitting association with a subnet of IP addresses is equivalent to when utilizing a solitary IP address, the lone distinction is that you need to determine the netmask. For instance, on the off chance that you need to permit access for IP delivers going from to to port 3360 (MySQL ) you can utilize this order:
sudo ufw allow from to any port 3306
Allow Connections to a Specific Network Interface
To permit access on a particular port suppose port 3360 just to explicit organization interface eth2, at that point you need to determine permit in on and the name of the organization interface:
sudo ufw allow in on eth2 to any port 3306
Deny connections
The default strategy for all approaching associations is set to deny and in the event that you haven't transformed it, UFW will hinder all approaching association except if you explicitly open the association.
Suppose you opened the ports 80 and 443 and your worker is enduring an onslaught from the organization. To deny all associations from you can utilize the accompanying order:
sudo ufw deny from
In the event that you just need to deny admittance to ports 80 and 443 from you can utilize the accompanying order:
sudo ufw deny from to any port 80
sudo ufw deny from to any port 443
Composing deny rules is equivalent to composing permit rules, you just need to supplant permit with deny.
Delete UFW Rules
There are two unique approaches to erase UFW rules, by rule number and by indicating the genuine guideline.
Erasing UFW rules by rule number is simpler particularly in the event that you are new to UFW. To erase a standard by a standard number first you need to locate the quantity of the standard you need to erase, you can do that with the accompanying order:
sudo ufw status numbered
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ----
[ 1] 22/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
[ 2] 80/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
[ 3] 8080/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere
To erase rule number 3, the standard that permits associations with port 8080, utilize the accompanying order:
sudo ufw delete 3
The subsequent strategy is to erase a standard by determining the genuine guideline, for instance in the event that you added a standard to open port 8069 you can erase it with:
sudo ufw delete allow 8069
Disable UFW
In the event that under any conditions you need to stop UFW and deactivate all the standards you can utilize:
sudo ufw disable
Afterward in the event that you need to re-empower UTF and initiate all standards simply type:
sudo ufw enable
Reset UFW
Resetting UFW will debilitate UFW, and erase every dynamic standard. This is useful in the event that you need to return the entirety of your progressions and start new.
To reset UFW just sort in the accompanying order:
sudo ufw reset
You have figured out how to introduce and design UFW firewall on your Ubuntu 18.04 worker. Make certain to permit all approaching associations that are vital for legitimate working of your framework, while restricting every single superfluous association.
On the off chance that you have questions, don't hesitate to leave a remark beneath.