How to Install Visual Studio Code on CentOS 7
Visual Studio Code is an open-source cross-stage code supervisor created by Microsoft. It has an implicit troubleshooting support, inserted Git control, language structure featuring, code finishing, coordinated terminal, code refactoring and pieces.
The simplest and prescribed approach to introduce Visual Studio Code on CentOS machines is to empower the VS Code archive and introduce the VS Code bundle through the order line.
You'll should be signed in as a client with sudo admittance to have the option to introduce bundles.
Installing Visual Studio Code on CentOS
Play out the accompanying strides to introduce Visual Studio Code on your CentOS framework:
Start by bringing in the Microsoft GPG key:
sudo rpm --import
Next, make the accompanying repo document to empower the Visual Studio Code store:
sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo
Glue the accompanying substance into the document:
name=Visual Studio Code
Spare the record and close your content manager.
When the vault is empowered, introduce the most recent adaptation of Visual Studio Code by composing:
sudo yum install code
That is it. Visual Studio Code has been introduced on your CentOS work area and you can begin utilizing it.
Starting Visual Studio Code
Since VS Code is introduced on your CentOS framework you can dispatch it either from the order line by composing code or by tapping on the VS Code symbol (Applications - > Programming - > Visual Studio Code).
At the point when you start VS Code unexpectedly, a window like the accompanying ought to show up:
You would now be able to begin introducing expansions and designing VS Code as indicated by your inclinations.
Updating Visual Studio Code
At the point when another rendition is delivered you can refresh the Visual Studio Code bundle through your work area standard Software Update instrument or by running the accompanying order in your terminal:
sudo yum update
You have effectively introduced VS Code on your CentOS 7 machine. To study VS Code visit their official documentation page.
In the event that you have any inquiries, if it's not too much trouble leave a remark underneath.