How to Install Kodi on Ubuntu 18.04
Kodi (earlier XBMC) is a free and open-source cross-stage media player and diversion center that allows you to coordinate and play real time media, for example, recordings, digital broadcasts, music, from the Internet and neighborhood and organization stockpiling.
You can improve the Kodi usefulness by putting in new additional items and skins from the authority Kodi archive and informal outsider stores.
In this instructional exercise, we'll walk you through how to introduce Kodi on Ubuntu 18.04. Similar guidelines apply for Ubuntu 16.04 and some other Ubuntu based circulation, including Kubuntu, Linux Mint and Elementary OS.
Prior to proceeding with this instructional exercise, ensure you are signed in as a client with sudo advantages .
Installing Kodi on Ubuntu
The adaptation of Kodi remembered for the Ubuntu storehouses consistently fall behind the most recent Kodi figure it out. At the hour of composing this article, the most recent stable form of Kodi is variant 17 Krypton.
We'll introduce Kodi 17 from their official archives. It requires no specialized information and it ought not take you over 10 minutes to introduce and arrange the media worker.
Follow the means beneath to introduce the Kodi on your Ubuntu framework:
Start by refreshing the bundles list and introduce the conditions by composing:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https
Add the Kodi APT archive to your framework's product vault list by giving:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
At the point when provoked press Enter to proceed:
Official Team Kodi stable releases
More info:
Press [ENTER] to continue or Ctrl-c to cancel adding it
When the Kodi archive is empowered, update the able bundle list and introduce the most recent rendition of Kodi with:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install kodi
That is it! Now, you have effectively introduced Kodi on your Ubuntu 18.04 framework.
Starting Kodi
Since Kodi is introduced on your Ubuntu framework you can begin it either from the order line by composing kodi or by tapping on the Kodi symbol (Activities - > Kodi):
Updating Kodi
At the point when you start Kodi unexpectedly, a window like the accompanying will show up:
Ubuntu Kodi home
From here, you can begin redoing your Kodi case by putting in new Addons and adding media libraries.
To exit Kodi either click on the "power-off" button on the upper left or press CTRL+END.
Refreshing Kodi
At the point when another form is delivered you can refresh the Kodi bundle through your work area standard Software Update device or by running the accompanying orders in your terminal:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Uninstalling Kodi
In the event that you need to uninstall Kodi, essentially eliminate the introduced bundle and handicap the vault with the accompanying order:
sudo apt remove --auto-remove kodi
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
At that point eliminate the Kodi arrangement registry by composing:
rm -r ~/.kodi/
You have figured out how to introduce Kodi Media Server on your Ubuntu 18.04 machine. You should now visit the authority Kodi Wiki page and figure out how to arrange and deal with your Kodi establishment.
On the off chance that you have any inquiries, kindly leave a remark underneath.