How to Install Atom Text Editor on Ubuntu 18.04
Particle is an open-source cross-stage code manager created by GitHub. It has an inherent bundle chief, inserted Git control, keen autocompletion, grammar featuring and various sheets.
In the engine Atom is a work area application based on Electron utilizing HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js .
The least demanding and prescribed approach to introduce Atom on Ubuntu machines is to empower the Atom storehouse and introduce the Atom bundle through the order line.
In spite of the fact that this instructional exercise is composed for Ubuntu 18.04 similar directions apply for Ubuntu 16.04 and any Debian based dispersion, including Debian, Linux Mint and Elementary OS.
The client you are signing in as must have sudo advantages to have the option to introduce bundles.
Installing Atom on Ubuntu
Play out the accompanying strides to introduce Atom on your Ubuntu framework:
Start by refreshing the bundles list and introduce the conditions by composing:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget
Next, import the Atom Editor GPG key utilizing the accompanying wget order :
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Furthermore, empower the Atom APT storehouse by composing:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] any main"
When the archive is empowered, introduce the most recent rendition of Atom with:
sudo apt install atom
Starting Atom
Since Atom is introduced on your Ubuntu framework you can dispatch it either from the order line by composing code or by tapping on the Atom symbol (Activities - > Atom).
At the point when you start the Atom editorial manager unexpectedly, a window like the accompanying ought to show up:
You would now be able to begin introducing subjects and augmentations and arranging Atom as per your inclinations.
Upgrading Atom
To update your Atom establishment when new deliveries are distributed, you can utilize the well-suited bundle supervisor ordinary overhaul method:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
You have effectively introduced Atom on your Ubuntu 18.04 machine. To become familiar with how to utilize Atom, from novice essentials to cutting edge procedures, visit their official documentation page.
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