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How to Copy, Cut and Paste in Vim / Vi


How to Copy, Cut and Paste in Vim / Vi

When working with text records, replicating, cutting, and gluing text is one of the most regularly performed assignments. 

Vim or its antecedent Vi comes preinstalled on macOS and practically all Linux circulations. Knowing the essentials of Vim is useful in a circumstance where your number one editorial manager isn't accessible. 

This article tells the best way to duplicate, cut, and glue in Vim/Vi manager. 

Copy, Cut and Paste in Normal Mode

At the point when you dispatch the Vim proofreader, you're in the typical mode. In this mode, you can run Vim orders and explore through the document. 

To return to typical mode from some other mode, simply press the Esc key. 

Vim has its own phrasing for duplicating, cutting, and gluing. Duplicate is called yank (y), cut is called erase (d), and glue is called put (p). 

Copying (Yanking)

To duplicate content, place the cursor in the ideal area and press the y key followed by the development order. The following are some useful yanking orders: 

  • yy - Yank (duplicate) the current line, including the newline character. 
  • 3yy - Yank (duplicate) three lines, beginning from the line where the cursor is situated. 
  • y$ - Yank (duplicate) everything from the cursor to the furthest limit of the line. 
  • y^ - Yank (duplicate) everything from the cursor to the beginning of the line. 
  • yw - Yank (duplicate) to the beginning of the following word. 
  • yiw – Yank (duplicate) the current word. 
  • y% - Yank (duplicate) to the coordinating character. As a matter of course upheld sets are (), {}, and []. Valuable to duplicate content between coordinating sections. 

Cutting (Deleting)

In typical mode, d is the key for cutting (erasing) text. Move the cursor to the ideal position and press the d key, trailed by the development order. Here are some useful erasing orders: 

dd - Delete (cut) the current line, including the newline character. 

3dd - Delete (cut) three lines, beginning from the line where the cursor is situated, 

d$ - Delete (cut) everything from the cursor to the furthest limit of the line. 

The development orders that apply for yanking are additionally substantial for erasing. For instance dw, erases to the beginning of the following word, and d^ erases everything from the cursor to the beginning of the line. 

Pasting (Putting)

To put the yanked or erased text, move the cursor to the ideal area and press p to put (glue) the content after the cursor or P to put (glue) before the cursor. 

Copy, Cut, and Paste in Visual Mode

Vim's visual mode permits you to choose and control text. 

Spot the cursor on the line you need to start copping or cutting. 

The visual mode has three subtypes. 

  • Press v to enter the visual mode. 
  • Press V to enter visual line mode, where the content is chosen by line. 
  • Press Ctrl+v to enter visual square mode. In this mode, the content is chosen by square shape blocks. 

Entering the visual mode likewise denotes a beginning choice point. 

Move the cursor to the furthest limit of the content you need to duplicate or cut. You can utilize a development order or up, down, both ways, bolt keys. 

  • Press y to duplicate, or d to cut the determination. 
  • Move the cursor to the area where you need to glue the substance. 
  • Press P to glue the substance before the cursor, or p to glue it after the cursor. 


In this guide, we have told you the best way to duplicate, cut, and glue in Vim. 

In the event that you are new to Vim, visit the Open Vim site where you can rehearse Vim with an intelligent instructional exercise. 

Don't hesitate to leave a remark in the event that you have any inquiries.