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Top 100+ Ecology Interview Questions And Answers - May 29, 2020


Top 100+ Ecology Interview Questions And Answers

Question 1. What Is Ecology?

Answer :

Ecology is the field of Biology that research the family members among residing beings and among residing beings and the surroundings.

Question 2. What Are Species?

Answer :

Species is the set of dwelling beings able to move amongst themselves generating fertile offspring.

This concept however does no longer observe to individuals of exclusive asexual replica and other definitions have been proposed. For example, “species is a fixed of dwelling beings that evolve in a not unusual way they all considered ancestors of the equal kind in terms of commonplace descendants”.

Science Interview Questions
Question three. What Is Population?

Answer :

Population is the set of people of the identical species discovered in a given vicinity in a given time.

Question 4. What Is A Community? What Is The Difference Between The Concepts Of Community And Population?

Answer :

Community is the set of populations of residing beings that live in the same region and interact with every different.

In Ecology population is a fixed whose individuals (living in a given area in a given time) are a part of the same species. Community is a set of populations of different species (residing in a given region in a given time).

Question 5. What Is The Difference Between Ecological Niche And Habitat?

Answer :

Ecological area of interest is the set of peculiar sports, assets, and strategies that a species explores to live on and reproduce. Habitat is the region in which the species lives to discover its ecological niche. In other phrases, it is able to be stated that habitat is the “address” of the species and the ecological niche is the “profession” of the species.

Microbiology Interview Questions
Question 6. What Are Biotic Factors?

Answer :

Biotic factors are the residing beings (flora, animals, and microorganisms) that are part of a given surroundings. Image Diversity: biotic factors

Question 7. What Are Abiotic Factors?

Answer :

Abiotic factors are the nonliving elements that constitute a given surroundings, like mild, temperature, minerals, water, gases, atmospheric stress, and many others.

Environmental Science Interview Questions
Question eight. What Is An Ecosystem?

Answer :

Ecosystem is a system composed of biotic and abiotic factors in interaction.

Question 9. What Is Biosphere?

Answer :

Biosphere is the set of all of the ecosystems of the planet.

Biomedical Engineering Interview Questions
Question 10. What Are Autotrophic Beings? What Are Heterotrophic Beings?

Answer :

Autotrophic beings are the ones that can produce their personal food, i.E., that make natural material from inorganic compounds.

Heterotrophic beings are those that want to incorporate natural cloth to nourish them. Therefore, heterotrophs rely on the manufacturing of the autotrophs.

Question 11. What Are The Processes That Autotrophic Beings Use To Produce Organic Material From Inorganic Substances?

Answer :

Autotrophic beings make organic cloth via photosynthesis or by means of chemosynthesis. There are photosynthetic autotrophs, like flowers, and chemosynthetic autotrophs, like some bacteria.

Soil Science Interview Questions
Question 12. What Is A Biome?

Answer :

Biome is a triumphing atmosphere constituted by using comparable biotic and abiotic elements present in one or more regions of the planet.

Science Interview Questions
Question 13. What Are The Major Terrestrial Biomes?

Answer :

The essential terrestrial biomes are tundras, taigas (or boreal woodland), temperate forests, tropical forests, grasslands and deserts.

Question 14. What Are The Typical Vegetation And The Typical Fauna Of The Tundras?

Answer :

Tundras have plant life fashioned mainly via mosses and lichens. In the fauna the dense furred animals, like caribous, musk oxen and polar bears, and migratory birds are found.

Question 15. What Are The Typical Vegetation And The Typical Fauna Of The Taigas?

Answer :

Taiga, or the boreal forest, is characterized through coniferous timber, pine forests. There also are mosses, lichens, small timber, and angiosperms. In the taiga many mammals, like moose, wolves, foxes and rodents, migratory birds and incredible diversity of insects are determined.

Geography Interview Questions
Question 16. What Are The Typical Vegetation And The Typical Fauna Of The Temperate Forests?

Answer :

In the temperate forest, deciduous bushes predominate. Mammals are observed in exquisite variety, like bears and deers.

Question 17. What Are Deciduous Trees?

Answer :

Deciduous timber are flora that lose their leaves in a duration of the year. In the case of the deciduous of the temperate wooded area, the autumn of the leaves occurs within the autumn. The loss of leaves is a education to stand the bloodless months of the wintry weather: roots, stem and branches are extra immune to low temperature and snow than the leaves? with out leaves the metabolic charge of the plant is reduced? the decaying fallen leaves help to nourish the soil.

Cell Biology Interview Questions
Question 18. What Is The Typical Localization Of The Tropical Forests Regarding Latitude?

Answer :

Tropical rain forests, like the Amazon wooded area and the Congo woodland, are generally placed in low range, i.E., within the equatorial and tropical zones.

Microbiology Interview Questions
Question 19. What Are The Typical Vegetation And The Typical Fauna Of The Tropical Forests?

Answer :

In the vegetation of the tropical forests, broadleafed evergreen bushes predominate. On the pinnacle of the trees, epiphytes and lianas grow. Many kinds of pteridophytes may be found in these forests.

Regarding the fauna, the abundance, and variety is also remarkable: there are monkeys, rodents, bats, insectivores, felines, reptiles, aves, amphibians, and invertebrates, especially insects.

Question 20. How Can The Abundance And Diversity Of Living Beings In The Tropical Forests Be Explained?

Answer :

The biodiversity of these ecosystems can be defined through the outstanding availability of the principle abiotic factors for photosynthesis. Since those factors are abundant, plants can perform maximum photosynthetic interest, dwelling and reproducing without problems.

With splendid amount and variety of manufacturers (autotrophs), the purchasers (heterotrophic animals and microorganisms) also have ample meals and a complex food internet emerges growing many different ecological niches to be explored. So it is possible the performing of varied living beings in addition to the existence of massive populations.

Question 21. Why The Tropical Forests Are Also Known As Stratified Forests?

Answer :

In tropical forests, tall timber of several species have their crowns forming a advanced layer beneath which numerous different trees and plants expand forming different inferior layers. From the top layer to the inferior layers the penetration of mild lowers gradually and the exposition to wind and rain, the moisture and the temperature vary. Different compositions of abiotic aspect situation the triumphing of various plant life in every layer.

Question 22. What Is The Typical Vegetation Of The Grasslands?

Answer :

Grasslands are particularly formed of herbaceous (nonwoody)

plants: grass, timber, and small bushes.

Question 23. How Are The Grasslands Of North America And Of South America Respectively Called?

Answer :

The steppe grasslands of North America are known as prairies. The grasslands of South America are referred to as “pampas” (the steppe grassland) and “cerrado” (the savannah grassland).

Question 24. How Are Grasslands Classified?

Answer :

Grasslands can be categorised into steppes and savannahs. In the steppes, the triumphing plants is grass, like inside the pampas of South America and in the prairies of North America. The fauna is mainly shaped by herbivores, like rodents and ungulates. The savannahs gift small timber, like for instance the Brazilian cerrado or the African savannahs.

The fauna is various? within the Brazilian cerrado there are animals like emus, lizards, armadillos, jaguars, and so on., and many styles of insects? the African savannahs are the home of outstanding herbivores and carnivores, like zebras, giraffes, antilopes, lions and leopards.

Environmental Science Interview Questions
Question 25. What Are The Typical Vegetation And The Typical Fauna Of The Deserts?

Answer :

The important fauna of the desertic ecosystems is shaped through reptiles, like lizards and snakes, terrestrial arthropods and small rodents. In those regions flora very tailored to dry weather may be determined, like the cactus, which can be flowers that do not have actual leaves and consequently lose less water, together with grasses and bushes close to locations in which water is to be had.

Question 26. Which Terrestrial Vertebrate Group Is Extremely Rare In Deserts?

Answer :

Amphibians are terrestrial vertebrates extraordinarily uncommon in desertic environments (despite the fact that there are few species adapted to this kind of surroundings). Amphibians are rare in deserts due to the fact they do not have permeable skin and so that they easily lose water via evaporation and desiccate. They additionally want an aquatic surroundings to breed, due to the fact their fecundation is external and their larva is waterdependent.

Question 27. What Are Plankton, Nekton, And Benthos?

Answer :

Plankton, nekton, and benthos are the three businesses into which aquatic living beings may be divided.

The plankton is shaped by means of the algae and small animals that flow near the water surface carried with the aid of the flow. The nekton consists of animals that actively swim and dive in water, like fishes, turtles, whales, sharks, and so on. The benthos comprehends the animals ecologically connected to the bottom, which include many echinoderms, benthonic fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, poriferans and annelids.

Biomedical Engineering Interview Questions
Question 28. What Are The Phytoplankton And The Zooplankton?

Answer :

Phytoplankton and zooplankton are divisions of the plankton. The phytoplankton comprehends the autotrophic floating beings: algae and cyanobacteria. The zooplankton is formed by means of the heterotrophic planktonic beings: protozoans, small crustaceans, cnidarians, larvae, and so forth.

Question 29. What Is The Group Of Aquatic Beings Composed Of Large Number Of Photosynthetic Beings?

Answer :

A large number of photosynthetic beings is observed within the plankton, i.E., within the floor of aquatic ecosystems. This is because mild is ample on the surface.

Question 30. What Is The Primary Energy Source For Life On Earth?

Answer :

The primary power source for existence on this planet is the sun. The sun performs the critical function of maintaining the planet warmed and it's far the supply of the luminous strength utilized in photosynthesis. This strength is converted into natural cloth by the photosynthetic autotrophic beings and ate up through the opposite dwelling beings.

Question 31. What Is The Main Means By Which Autotrophic Beings Obtain Energy?

Answer :

The essential way by way of which autotrophs obtain energy is photosynthesis. (There are also chemosynthetic autotrophs.)

Question 32. Which Is The Autotrophic Group Responsible For The Production Of Most Part Of The Molecular Oxygen Of Earth?

Answer :

Algae and cyanobacteria of the phytoplankton are the organisms that make contributions maximum for the manufacturing of molecular oxygen.

Question 33. In The Ecological Study Of Food Interactions How Are The Autotrophic Beings Called?

Answer :

In Ecology, autotrophic beings are known as manufacturers due to the fact they synthesize the organic cloth ate up by means of the opposite living beings of an ecosystem.

An atmosphere can't exist without producers.

Soil Science Interview Questions
Question 34. How Are The Heterotrophic Beings Divided In The Ecological Study Of Food Interactions?

Answer :

Heterotrophs are divided into customers and decomposers. An ecosystem can exist without customers however it can't be sustained with out decomposers. Without the decomposers, the organic cloth would accumulate causing environmental degradation and later loss of life of the dwelling beings.

Question 35. What Is A Food Chain?

Answer :

Food chain is the linear no longer branched collection wherein a residing being serves as meals for the alternative, from the producers until the decomposers.

Question 36. How Is Energy Transferred Along A Food Chain?

Answer :

The energy flux alongside a food chain is always unidirectional, from the producers to the decomposers.

Geography Interview Questions
Question 37. What Are Tropic Levels? How Many Tropic Levels Can A Food Chain Have?

Answer :

Tropic degrees correspond to positions on a meals chain. Therefore, producers always belong to the primary tropic degree and decomposers to the last tropic level, customers that devour directly the manufacturers belong to the second one tropic stage and so forth.

There is not any limit concerning the variety of tropic degrees on a series, on the grounds that many orders of purchasers can exist.

Question 38. What Are Primary Consumers? Can Food Chain Present Quaternary Consumers Without Having Secondary Or Tertiary Consumers? Can A Tertiary Consumer Of One Chain Be A Primary Or Secondary Consumer Of Another Chain?

Answer :

Primary customers are dwelling beings that eat autotrophic beings, i.E., they devour the manufacturers. Primary clients continually belong to the second tropic stage of a series.

A meals chain can't have consumers of superior orders while not having the customer of the inferior orders. A patron however can take part in numerous specific chains not always belonging to the identical client order in each of them.

Question 39. What Is The Difference Between The Concepts Of Food Chain And Food Web?

Answer :

The chain concept is a theoretical model to study the electricity flux in ecosystems. Actually, in an ecosystem the organisms are part of numerous interconnected food chains, forming a meals web. Therefore, the chain is a theoretical linear collection and the web is a more practical representation of nature wherein the food chains interconnect forming a web.

Question 40. What Are The Three Main Types Of Tropic Pyramids Studied In Ecology?

Answer :

The three kinds of tropic pyramids studied in Ecology are the numeric pyramid, the biomass pyramid, and the electricity pyramid.

Generally, the variable dimension of the pyramid is the width and the height is continually the same for every represented strata of living beings. The width consequently represents the range of people, or the whole mass of these individuals or the available power in each tropic level.

Cell Biology Interview Questions
Question forty one. What Do Numeric Pyramids Represent?

Answer :

Numeric pyramids represent the range of individuals in every tropic degree of a meals chain.

Question 42. In A Numeric Pyramid To Which Tropic Level Does The Base Always Refer?

Answer :

In a numeric pyramid the base corresponds to the primary tropic stage, i.E., to the manufacturers. The pinnacle degree of the pyramid corresponds normally to the final customer order of the meals chain (since the range of individual decomposers, most of them microorganisms, is too big to be represented).

Question 43. In A Numeric Pyramid, Is It Possible The Base To Be Smaller Than The Other Levels?

Answer :

Since the numeric pyramid represents the quantity of people in each trophic level of the meals chain, inferior tropic levels with fewer people than the superior tropic stages may exist. For example, a single tree can serve as meals to hundreds of thousands of insects.

Question forty four. In The Short Range What Will Happen To The Levels Above And Below A Population Of Secondary Consumers Of A Numeric Pyramid If A Large Number Of Individuals From This Population Dies?

Answer :

If an intermediate stage of a numeric pyramid has its variable measurement decreased, i.E., if the wide variety of individuals of such level is decreased, the number of people of the extent beneath will boom and the wide variety of individuals of the extent above might be reduced. That takes place because the individuals of the level underneath will face less predators and the individuals of the extent above could have less to be had food.

Question 45. What Do Biomass Pyramids Represent?

Answer :

Biomass pyramids represent the sum of the masses of the people that take part in each tropic degree of a food chain.

Question 46. What Is Dry Mass?

Answer :

When biomasses are compared frequently, the idea of dry mass is used. The dry mass is the overall mass much less the water mass of an character. The total mass is also known as clean mass. To use dry mass in place of clean mass is utile due to the fact amongst dwelling beings, there are differences related to the share of water inside their frame and such variations can distort the quantitative evaluation of incorporated natural cloth.

Question 47. What Do Energy Pyramids Represent?

Answer :

Energy pyramids represent the quantity of available electricity in every tropic level of the food chain.

Question forty eight. Into Which Type Of Energy Is The Light Used In Photosynthesis Transformed?

Answer :

The luminous strength utilized in photosynthesis is transformed into chemical electricity.

Question 49. Can The Amount Of Available Energy In A Given Tropic Level To Be Larger Than The Available Energy In Inferior Tropic Levels? What Does That Condition Means To The Conformation Of The Energy Pyramids?

Answer :

A advanced tropic stage continually has less available electricity than inferior tropic degrees. This is because in each tropic level handiest a fraction of the natural cloth of the extent underneath is integrated into the consumers (into their our bodies), the alternative element is removed as waste or is used within the metabolism as electricity source. Therefore it is never viable to have strength pyramids with inverted conformation, i.E., with the tip to the lowest and the base to the pinnacle. It is likewise not possible to have superior tropic degrees with variable dimension large than inferior ones. In every electricity pyramid, from the bottom to the top, the scale of the variable dimension decreases.

Question 50. What Is The Gross Primary Production Of An Ecosystem? How Does Gpp Relate To Photosynthesis?

Answer :

Gross primary manufacturing of an environment, or GPP, is the quantity of organic fabric observed in a given region in a given period.

Since most effective autotrophs produce organic fabric and photosynthesis is the main production manner, GPP is a result of the photosynthesis.

Question fifty one. What Are The Factors That For Influencing Photosynthesis Also Interfere With The Gross Primary Productivity?

Answer :

Mainly water and light, however also mineral salts, temperature, and carbon dioxide are elements that interfere with the gross primary productiveness.

Question 52. What Are The Destinations Of The Organic Material Fabricated By The Producers?

Answer :

Part of the natural cloth synthesized via the producers is fed on as power supply for the metabolism of the very own producer individual. Other part is integrated (into the body) and emerge as available to heterotrophic beings of the environment. In each following tropic level a part of the organic material is used in the metabolism of the individuals of the level, different element is removed as waste and only a fraction is included and become available as meals for the subsequent stage.

Question fifty three. What Is The Formula Of The Net Primary Production (npp)? How Does Npp Relate To The Energy Pyramids?

Answer :

Net primary manufacturing is the gross primary productivity much less the organic material consumed as electricity supply inside the metabolism of the manufacturers: NPP = GPP – (natural cloth spent in aerobic breathing). It represents the natural cloth available in the first tropic stage.

The base of the strength pyramids have to constitute the NPP and now not the GPP because the concept of these pyramids is to show the available energy in every trophic level of the food chain.

Question 54. What Are Biogeochemical Cycles?

Answer :

Biogeochemical cycles are representations of the movement and recycling of be counted in nature.

The essential biogeochemical cycles studied in Ecology are the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle.

Question fifty five. What Is The Respective Importance Of Water, Carbon, And Nitrogen For The Living Beings?

Answer :

Water is the principle solvent of the living beings and it's miles important almost for all biochemical reactions, together with as reagent of photosynthesis. Many houses of water are very essential for life.

Carbon is the main chemical detail of natural molecules? carbon dioxide is also reagent of photosynthesis and product of the energetic metabolism of the residing beings.

Nitrogen is a fundamental chemical detail of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins that during their turn are the main purposeful molecules of the dwelling beings? nitrogen is also part of the nucleic acid molecules, the premise of replica, heredity, and protein synthesis.

Question 56. What Is The Water Cycle?

Answer :

The water cycle represents the movement and recycling of water in nature.

Liquid water in the world surface is heated by the solar and turns into water vapor that gains the ecosystem. In the atmosphere big volumes of water vapor, shape clouds that once cooled precipitate liquid water as rain. Therefore, water comes back to the planet floor and the cycle is completed. As possible steps of the cycle, water may additionally nonetheless be stored in subterranean reservatory or beneath the shape of ice in mountains and oceans and it may additionally be used within the metabolism of residing beings, included into the body of the people or excreted via urine, feces, and transpiration.

Question fifty seven. Why Is The Sun The “motor” Of The Water Cycle?

Answer :

The solar may be considered the motor of the water cycle because upon its strength the transformation of liquid water into water vapor depends. Therefore, the sun is the strength source that makes water to flow into in nature.

Question fifty eight. What Is The Main Biological Process That Consumes Carbon Dioxide?

Answer :

The predominant organic technique that consumes carbon dioxide is photosynthesis.

Question 59. How Is Carbon Dioxide Made By Producers And Consumers?

Answer :

Carbon dioxide is made with the aid of manufacturers and clients through cellular breathing.

Question 60. What Are Fossil Fuels?

Answer :

Fossil fuels, like oil, fuel, and coal, shape when natural fabric is preserved from the entire action of decomposers, normally buried deep and under strain at some stage in millions of years. Under such conditions, the natural cloth transforms into hydrocarbon fuels.

Fossil fuels are natural reservatory of carbon. When oxygen is gift, those fuels can be burned and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released to the surroundings.

Question 61. What Is The Most Abundant Form Under Which Nitrogen Is Found In Nature?

Answer :

The most abundant nitrogencontaining molecule observed in nature is molecular nitrogen (N2). The air is eighty% made from molecular nitrogen.

Question 62. Why Is Leguminous Crop Rotation Used In Agriculture?

Answer :

Leguminous crop rotation and other crop rotations are utilized in agriculture because in these flowers many micro organism critical for the nitrogen cycle live. The leguminous crop rotation (or conjointly with the main crop) facilitates the soil to become rich in nitrates that then are absorbed by the flowers.

Green manure, the covering of the soil with grass and leguminous, is a manner to enhance the fixation of nitrogen and it's miles an option to avoid chemical fertilizers.

Question 63. What Is Biodiversity?

Answer :

Biological variety is the sort of species of living beings of an environment. In ecosystems, greater biodiverse, like tropical forests, a top notch kind of flora, microorganisms, and animals live? in ecosystems less biodiverse, like deserts, there are less style of living beings.

Question 64. Despite Having A Great Biodiversity Why, Is The Amazon Rainforest Under Risk Of Desertification?

Answer :

The herbal soil of the Amazon Rainforest isn't always too fertile however it's far enriched by way of the vegetal covering fabricated from leaves and branches that fall from the timber. Deforestation reduces this enrichment. In deforestation zones, the rain falls directly on the floor inflicting erosion, “washing” huge regions (leaching) and contributing to make the soil even less fertile. Besides that, the deforestation disallows the recycling of vital nutrients for flora, like nitrogen. In this manner, the ones areas and their neighboring regions go through desertification.

Question sixty five. Is Monoculture A System That Contributes To Great Biological Diversity Of An Ecosystem?

Answer :

Monoculture means that during a big vicinity a single crop (simplest one species of plant) is cultivated. Therefore, monoculture does not make contributions to the formation of a community with superb kind of species inside the region. Since there's only a single form of producer the forms of customers that can stay inside the region also are limited.

Question sixty six. What Are Some Economic Applications That Can Be Generated By Very Biodiverse Ecosystems?

Answer :

Very biodiverse areas present full-size economic capacity. They may be source of uncooked cloth for the studies and production of drug treatments, cosmetics, chemical merchandise, and food. They are depository of genetic wealth that may be explored by means of biotechnology.

They are supply of species for agriculture. They also can be explored by the ecological tourism.

Question 67. What Are The Main Causes Of The Loss Of The Biological Diversity Nowadays?

Answer :

The largest dangers to the organic variety these days are culmination of the human action. The principal of them is the destruction of habitats because of the growth of the cities, deforestation, pollutants, and fires. The 2nd is the invasion of ecosystems with the aid of nonnative species brought via people? these species exchange the equilibrium of ecosystems causing harm. Other huge dangers are the predatory searching and fishing and the global warming.

Question sixty eight. What Is Inharmonious Ecological Interaction?

Answer :

Inharmonious, or bad, ecological interplay is that in which at the least one of the collaborating beings is harmed.

Question 69. How Are Ecological Interactions Classified?

Answer :

Ecological interactions are categorized as intraspecific or interspecific interactions and as harmonious or inharmonious interactions.

Question 70. What Are Intraspecific And Interspecific Ecological Interactions?

Answer :

Intraspecific ecological interactions are the ones among people of the equal species. Interspecific ecological interactions are ecological interactions between individuals of different species.

Question seventy one. What Is Harmonious Ecological Interaction?

Answer :

Harmonious, or advantageous, ecological interaction is that in which not one of the collaborating beings is harmed.

Question 72. What Are The Main Intraspecific Ecological Interactions?

Answer :

The primary harmonious intraspecific ecological interactions are colonies and societies. The main inharmonious intraspecific ecological interactions are intraspecific opposition and cannibalism.

Question seventy three. What Are Colonies And Societies?

Answer :

Colonies are useful integrated aggregates shaped by using people of the equal species. Colonies are often confounded with a unmarried man or woman. Examples are the coral reefs, bythewind sailors, and filamentous algae.

Societies are interactions for labor department and collaboration amongst individuals of the identical species. Human societies are examples of ecological societies? other species, like bees, ants, termites, wolves and dolphins form societies.

Question 74. What Is Competition? Which Type Of Ecological Interaction Is Competition?

Answer :

Competition is the ecological interplay in which the people explore the equal ecological area of interest or their ecological niches partially coincide and consequently opposition for the same environmental resources takes place.

Competition is harmful for all participating beings and for this reason it's far classified as an inharmonious (poor) ecological interaction.

Question 75. What Is An Example Of Intraspecific Competition?

Answer :

Intraspecific competition nearly occurs in all species, as an instance, the opposition of human beings for a job.

Question seventy six. Why Is Cannibalism An Inharmonious Intraspecific Ecological Interaction?

Answer :

In cannibalism an individual consume other of the equal species (happens in some insects and arachnids). Since it's miles an interplay among beings of the same species and at the least considered one of them is harmed (the other is benefited) the category as inharmonious intraspecific ecological interaction is justified.

Question seventy seven. What Are The Main Interspecific Ecological Interactions?

Answer :

The most important harmonious interspecific ecological interactions are protocooperation, mutualism and commensalism. The most important inharmonious interspecific ecological interactions are interspecific competition, parasitism, predatism and ammensalism.

Question seventy eight. What Is Protocooperation?

Answer :

Protocooperation is the ecological interaction in which both contributors benefit and that is not compulsory for their survival.

Protocooperation is a harmonious (high-quality) interspecific ecological interplay. Examples of protocooperation are: the motion of the spurwinged plover that the use of its beak eats residuals from crocodile enamel? the removal of ectoparasites from the returned of bovines by using a few birds that consume the parasites? the hermit crab that stay internal shells over which sea anemones live (those provide protection to the crab and gain mobility to obtain meals).

Question seventy nine. What Is Mutualism?

Answer :

Mutualism is the ecological interaction wherein both contributors advantage and that is obligatory for his or her survival. Mutualism is a harmonious (advantageous) ecological interplay. Mutualism is also known as symbiosis. Examples of mutualism are: the affiliation among microorganisms that digest cellulose and the ruminants or bugs inside which they stay? the lichens, shaped by way of algae or cyanobacteria that make organic cloth for the fungi and take in water with their help? nitrifying bacteria of the genus Rhizobium that related to leguminous provide nitrogen to those plants.

Question eighty. What Is Commensalism?

Answer :

Commensalism is the ecological interplay wherein one individual gain whilst the other is not benefited neither harmed.

Commensalism is a harmonious (high quality) ecological interplay, for the reason that not one of the individuals is harmed. Example of commensalism are the severa bacteria that live within the pores and skin and inside the digestive tube of humans with out being pathogenic neither useful. They are harmless micro organism residing in commensalism with human beings.

Question eighty one. What Benefits Can Commensalism Offer To A Species?

Answer :

Commensalism may also contain obtention of food (as an example, the innocuous bacteria of the human guts), refuge or assist (epiphytes on bushes) and transportation (pollen carried through insects or birds). The commensalism that entails obtention of refuge is also known as inquilinism.

Question 82. What Are Some Examples Of Interspecif Competition?

Answer :

Examples of interspecific opposition are the dispute among vultures, worms, flies, and microorganisms for carrions and the opposition between snakes and eagles for rodents.

Question eighty three. What Is Parasitism?

Answer :

Parasitism is the ecological interplay wherein a being lives on the fee of other. The parasite regularly does no longer reason immediate demise of the host because it wishes the host alive to live on.

Parasitism is an inharmonious (bad) interspecific ecological interplay, due to the fact although one player gain the alternative is harmed.

Question 84. What Are Some Examples Of Parasitism?

Answer :

Classical examples are the parasites of people (host), just like the trypanosome that reasons Chagas’ ailment, the HIV virus (AIDS), the bacteria that causes tuberculosis, the schistosome that reasons schistosomiasis, the hookworms, etc. Other examples are tree (host) and parasitic helminths (parasite), dog (host) and lice (parasite), livestock (host) and tick (parasite), and so on.

Question eighty five. What Is Predatism?

Answer :

Predatism is the ecological interaction wherein one character mutilates or kills different to get food. Predatism is an inharmonious (negative) ecological interplay given that one player is harmed.

Question 86. Is Herbivorism A Form Of Predatism?

Answer :

Herbivorism is the shape of predatism wherein first order consumers feed from manufacturers (vegetation or algae). For example, birds and fruits, people and eatable vegetable, and so forth. (There are proposals to remember the herbivorism of leaves a shape of parasitism and the herbivorism of complete vegetation and seeds a form of predatism).

Question 87. What Is Ammensalim?

Answer :

Ammensalism is the ecological interplay wherein an person harms other without acquiring advantage. Ammensalism is an inharmonious (poor) ecological interplay because one player is harmed.

(Sometimes it's miles wrongly stated that ammensalism is a shape of ecological interaction in which an organism releases inside the environment substances that damage every other species? this case is indeed an example of ammensalims however the concept isn't constrained to it.)

One of the high-quality examples of ammensalism is the only installed among people and other species beneath extinction because of human moves like habitat devastation via fires, ecological injuries, leisure looking, and so on. Other example is the purple tide, proliferation of algae that by using intoxication can cause loss of life of fishes and different animals.

Question 88. What Is Ecological Succession?

Answer :

Ecological succession is the changing collection of groups that stay in a environment during a given time period.

Question 89. What Are Pioneer Species? What Is The Role Of The Pioneer Species?

Answer :

Pioneer species are those first species that colonize places where formerly there had been no living beings, like, for example, algae thatcolonize naked rocks. In wellknown, pioneers species are autotrophs or hold harmonious ecological interplay with autotrophic beings (like autotrophic bacteria, herbaceous flowers, lichens).

The pioneer community is fashioned of species capable of survive below hostile environments. The presence of those species modifies the microenvironment producing changes in abiotic and biotic elements of the environment present process formation. Therefore, they open manner to different species to set up within the place through the advent of recent capacity ecological niches.

Question ninety. What Is The Difference Between Primary Ecological Succession And Secondary Ecological Succession?

Answer :

Primary ecological succession is the changing sequence of groups from the first organic profession of a place where previously there were no dwelling beings. For example, the colonization and the subsequent succession of communities are in a naked rock.

Secondary ecological succession is the changing collection of communities from the substitution of a network by means of a new one in a given location. For example, the ecological succession from the invasion of plants and animals are in an abandoned crop or land.

Question 91. How Do Biodiversity, The Total Number Of Living Beings, And The Biomass Respectively Vary During The Ecological Succession?

Answer :

Biodiversity, the range of residing beings, and the biomass of an atmosphere tend to growth as the succession progresses and they stabilize whilst the climax stage is reached.

At the preliminary stage of the succession the usage of carbon dioxide and the fixation of carbon into the biomass are high, since the entire wide variety of residing beings within the ecosystem is growing. At the climax level, the use of carbon dioxide by way of photosynthesis equals the manufacturing by means of cellular respiratory and the fixation of carbon into the biomass has a tendency to zero.

Question ninety two. What Is A Population?

Answer :

In Biology populace is a fixed of individuals of the equal species living in a given place and in a given time.

Question 93. What Is Population Density?

Answer :

Population density is the relation between the quantity of individuals of a population and the area or quantity they occupy. For instance, in 2001 the human populace density of the United States (in line with the World Bank) turned into 29,71 population in keeping with square kilometer and China had a populace density of 135,41 people consistent with square kilometer.

Question 94. What Is Population Growth Rate?

Answer :

Population increase fee (PGR) is the percentage variation between the numbers of people in a populace in  unique instances. Therefore, the populace increase price can be high quality or terrible.

Question 95. What Are The Main Factors That Affect The Growth Of A Population?

Answer :

The important factors that make populations develop are births and immigration. The principal elements that make populations decrease are deaths and emigration.

Question ninety six. What Are Some Examples Of Migratory Animals?

Answer :

Examples of migratory animals are: southern proper whales from Antarctica, that procreate in the Brazilian coast? migratory salmons which can be born within the river, visit the sea and return to the river to reproduce and die? migratory birds from cold areas that spend the winter in tropical regions? etc.

Question ninety seven. What Is Environmental Resistance?

Answer :

Environmental resistance is the movement of restricting abiotic and biotic factors that disallow the boom of a populace, as it would develop consistent with its biotic potential. Actually, each ecosystem is able to maintain a limited wide variety of individuals of a given species.

The environmental resistance is an vital concept of population ecology.

Question 98. What Are The Main Limiting Factors For The Growth Of A Population?

Answer :

The elements that restrict the growth of a populace may be divided into biotic factors and abiotic elements. The important abiotic proscribing factors are availability of water and light, availability of shelter. The primary limiting biotic factors are populace density and inharmonious (negative) ecological interactions (competition, predatism, parasitism, ammensalism).

Question 99. What Is Pollution?

Answer :

Pollution is the infection of an surroundings by way of elements which can be dangerous for the equilibrium of its biotic or abiotic parts.

Question 100. Is Pollution Always Caused By Humans?

Answer :

In maximum instances, pollutants is because of the human hobby. Other species and some abiotic elements but can also pollute an environment. For instance, the red tide is created through proliferation of some algae and the volcano dust is a effect of the inner pastime of the planet.