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40+ Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers - Sep 08, 2021


40+ Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers

The use of CSS is utterly important in creating a internet site catchy and attractive. Naturally, the scope of CSS is huge and there are potential careers watching for you if you benefit technical expertise in it.

Before you discover the career possibilities in CSS and seem for an interview, you have to get yourself up to speed with the sort of questions they may ask you and be prepared with the answers.

Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers

Here are the most regularly requested CSS interview questions and answers that would help you:

Basic CSS Interview Questions

Question: What is CSS?

Answer: CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a styling language that is simple sufficient for HTML elements that locate utilization in internet designing. Besides, the utility of CSS is likewise observed in XHTML.

Question: What are the distinctive variations of CSS?

Answer: The unique variations of CSS encompass:



CSS 2.1



Question: What are the advantages of using CSS?

Answer: There are more than one benefits of using CSS, including:


Page reformatting

Site-wide consistency


Separation of the bandwidth of presentation

Question: What are the hazards of CSS?

Answer: The negative aspects of using CSS are:

Target specific texts, styling, and rules aren't allowed.

There aren't any expressions.

There isn't any dynamic conduct to manipulate pseudo-elegance.

It is not feasible to ascend by using selectors.

Vertical manipulate is restricted.

The column assertion isn't there.

Question: What is meant by way of CSS frameworks?

Answer: CSS frameworks are pre-planned libraries, allowing a more convenient web page styling which is likewise compliant with requirements.

Question: Give some examples of modules found in the present version of CSS.

Answer: Some of the commonly used modules in CSS consist of:

Box Model


Text effects

Backgrounds and Borders


2D/3D Transformations

User Interface.

Multiple Column Layout

Question: What is the distinction between CSS2 and CSS3?


In CSS2, the whole lot is present in a single document even as CSS3 is classified into a couple of sections called modules.

Graphics-associated functions including Box-shadow or Border-radius, flexbox, and so forth. Can be located that are absent incase of CSS2.

Properties inclusive of background-role, history-photo, and historical past-repeat styles may be helpful for the usage of a couple of background photos in a unmarried webpage.

CSS3 versions guide many new browsers.

CSS3 introduces many new selectors inside the shape of pseudo-elements and pseudo-instructions.

Question: Name some CSS fashion components

Answer: A few CSS fashion components encompass Property, Value, and Selector

Question: What do you understand by means of CSS opacity?

Answer: The technical definition of opacity is the degree to which light is authorized to bypass thru an item.

CSS opacity is the assets used to describe the transparency of an element. Or, in other phrases, it explains how clear the photo is.

Question: How can the heritage colour of an element be changed?

Answer: The history coloration of an photograph may be changed using the history-shade property.

background-color: coral;

Question: How can photo repetition of the backup be controlled?

Answer: Background-repetition assets controls the repetition of pics inside the historical past. Use no-repeat if the photograph is to be displayed once in the background.

body {
background-image: url("/css/images/css.jpg");
background-repeat: repeat;
<p>CSS Background Image:</p>

Question: What is the usage of the history-function property?

Answer: It may be used to outline the preliminary function of a background photograph. The default position is the pinnacle left of the page. The positions that may be set consist of pinnacle, bottom, left, proper, and center.

body {
background-image: url('hackr.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: center;
<p>CSS Background Position:</p>

Question: Which assets controls the photo scroll in the background?

Answer: Image scroll inside the heritage can be managed the use of the background-scroll property.

Question: Why ought to background and color be used as separate residences?

Answer: This is completed with mainly two purposes:

It makes the style sheets extra legible. Background property, that's complex in itself, becomes all of the greater complicated with color.

Color is an in-built property even as the background isn't one. And this can result in a lot of confusion.

Question: How to middle block factors using CSS1?

Answer: In order to middle the block-level factors, we need to set the margin-proper and margin-left residences to explicit values.

Question: How to preserve the CSS specs?

Answer: It is maintained using the World Wide Web Consortium.

Question: What are the methods to combine CSS as a web web page?

There are three methods to combine CSS in the shape of a web web page:

Embedded: There may be a style element inside the head detail internal which we can region the code.

Inline: CSS applied HTML factors can be located the use of fashion attributes.

Imported or Linked: In the case of related or imported CSS, the CSS is placed in an external file and a link element is used to link it.

Question: What are the outside style sheets?

Answer: External fashion sheets are sheets used externally which may be linked to the HTML pages.

Question: What is embedded style sheets?

Answer: These are the sheets in which fashion sets for the complete HTML document are defined in a unmarried area. For doing this, the style sheet statistics beneath the fashion tags need to be embedded into an HTML file.

Question: What are the blessings and disadvantages of using external fashion sheets?



There can be many documents for more than one HTML elements, along with many instructions.

Multiple documents with various styles may be managed the usage of exclusive patterns.

Selector and grouping techniques can be used for grouping patterns in composite situations.


For rendering the report, external style sheets must be loaded.

It isn't suitable for small fashion definitions.

For uploading files with fashion information, an additional down load is required.

Question: What are the advantages and downsides of embedded style sheets?



You can create special tag kinds inside a file.

The extra download isn't always required, unlike external style sheets.

In complicated situations, you can use Grouping and Selector techniques to apply styles.


You can not manipulate multiple files.

Advance CSS Interview Questions

Question: What is the which means of the CSS selector?

Answer: Just like there's the string in HTML, there is a selector in CSS which is used for the reason of linking HTML and fashion sheet factors.

Question: What are the media kinds allowed via CSS?

Answer: CSS lets in specific media types which includes speech, audio, visible and tactile media, paged or continuous media, bitmap or grid media, and even interactive media.

Question: What is the ruleset?

Answer: Rulesets can be used to become aware of the selectors connected to each other.

It consists of two extraordinary elements- selector and assertion.

Question: How case-sensitive is CSS?

Answer: CSS isn't always case-sensitive but the URLs of pix and font households are case-sensitive. Only in case of usage of XML declarations with XHTML DOCTYPE on the page, we discover CSS to be case-sensitive.

Question: What is a assertion block?

Answer: It is basically a catalog of instructions comprising the belongings, followed by means of a colon, and eventually the cost enclosed inside braces.

Question: What are the one-of-a-kind font attributes to be had?

Answer: The diverse font attributes available encompass font-variant, font-weight, font-style, font-family, line-top of font length, caption, icon, and font-circle of relatives.

Question: How does uploading a record make it easy to insert?

Answer: Importing of files allows in integrating outside sheets that can be inserted in a couple of sheets. There may be extraordinary sheets and patterns for special functions.

Question: What is the difference between physical and logical tags?

Answer: Logical tags are older as compared to the bodily ones and especially consciousness on the content material. They rarely locate any usage in phrases of presentation. Logical tags do no longer find any application in terms of aesthetics at the same time as the physical ones locate their application in presentation too.

Question: How does the fashion sheet idea differ compared to HTML?

Answer: Style sheets companion a styling factor with them. HTML, then again, gives an smooth structure method. Style sheets additionally function better formatting alternatives and browsing abilities.

Question: Is it feasible to feature a couple of declarations in CSS?

Answer: Yes, we can try this with the assist of semicolons.

Question: What are pseudo-factors?

Answer: These elements are used to offer computer graphics to positive selectors. CSS finds usage in applying patterns within the HTML markups. If by using any chance, additional styling or markup isn't possible for the record, this selection of pseudo-elements facilitates by allowing greater markup with out hampering the authentic record.

Question: What is Tweening?

Answer: It is the process by means of which intermediate frames between two photos are created with a purpose to locate the appearance of the primary photograph growing into the second.

Question: What are CSS counters?

Answer: These are variables that can be accelerated by way of using CSS that look at and discover the range of instances of usage of variables.

Question: What is supposed by using a normal selector?

Answer: It is a selector that may match the name of any element kind, as opposed to choosing the elements of a selected class.

Question: How to pick out all of the elements of a paragraph?

Answer: The factors in a paragraph may be decided on the use of the p[lang] command.

Question: How are percentage values decoded in CSS?

Answer: The percentage values are decoded in CSS the usage of a percentage symbol.

Question: What is RWD?

Answer: RWD is the abbreviated form of Responsive Web Design. It is used to display the designed page definitely on any form of display screen length depending on the tool beneath attention.

Question: What is the waft assets of CSS?

Answer: It is used to place an photo to the left or right as required which includes the text wrapping round it. The belongings of the factors used before it stays unchanged.

Question: What is the difference between visibility: hidden and show:none?

Answer: The distinction between visibility:hidden and display:none homes is that in the case of the former, the factors are hidden however not deleted. No area is ate up.

In case of the latter, the element is hidden and the layout is affected, this is, a few space is taken up.

<!DOCTYPE html>
display: none;
<h2>This heading is visible</h2>
<h3>This is a hidden heading</h3>
<p>The hidden heading does not take up space even after hiding it since we have used display: none;.</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
h3 {
<h2>This heading is visible</h2>    
<h3>This is a hidden heading</h3>    
<p>The hidden heading takes up space even after hiding it.</p>

Question: What is the difference between the elegance selector and ID selector?

Answer: A elegance selector takes an average block while an ID selector takes a single detail that differs from others.

Use of CSS class selector

.center {
text-align: center;

Use of CSS ID Selector

text-align: centre;



To conclude, I hope you favored this series of CSS Interview Questions. These questions have a high chance of being requested by means of your interviewer. Make sure you're equipped with the answers. You might also need to test out the pleasant CSS tutorials for your coaching. Visit this space for greater such interview questions on various technical subjects. All the pleasant!