My clients have to download data from their database tables for most of the time. Today, I chose to use PHPExcel in laravel 5 to build a very small...
To update your composer.json and app, you should use composer: add "phpexcel / phpexcel": "dev-master." "require": { "php...
You're going to work on controller or route in laravel 5 with ajax data message. There's a need to get the call to work properly. Csrf toke...
web.php(route) <?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Web Routes |---------------------------...
So you use the query builder from laravel to get all the orders that belong to a particular result using condition, but you want to allow the user ...
Middleware provides a convenient method for entering the program to process HTTP requests. I've built three middleware, and by working I have ...
Ajax makes your application more portable, you don't need to reload or refresh the entire body for small changes, you can make changes without ...
You will build step-by-step your query and then name the process get). But sometimes, for more complex questions, it gets a little tricky – f...
In this article, the validation of laravel 5 forms is simple. A validation of the form means that we force the user to enter correct data in the fo...
In this post, I share with you how to use ddate_format() with the condition of the Laravel query builder. When I was working on my project, I need ...
Using the DB framework, we can change the record with an update argument. It will return the number of rows affected by the argument. Let's bu...
Using the DB façade, we may insert the record with an insert sentence. As its first argument, this method takes the raw SQL query and bindin...
If you want to get duplicate values count in an comma separated string in laravel 5, first need to create array using explode function. Count...
Using the DB disguise, we can delete the record by executing a delete statement (remove the record from the database). Like update, it will return ...
If you want a list containing a single column values to be retrieved, you can use the pluck process. Let's build a laravel 5 pluck method na...
From the database table, we can retrieve single row / column, you can use the first method. This method returns a single object from StdClass. Let...
One such cool function is that we use raw laravel queries. Such expressions are inserted as strings into the application, but if you want to use ra...
A number of aggregate methods such as count, cap, min, avg, and total are also given by the query builder. Upon constructing your application, you ...
If the table has an auto-increment I d, use insertGetId to insert a record and retrieve the Key afterwards. Some times the user inserts a record in...
You may also use pattern method to constrain global constraints route parameter to be constrained by a given regular expression. Use two methods, o...
Use the disguise of mail to send mail through the process of delivery. The method of sending requires three parameters. First parameter is your vie...
In this guide, we're going to cover the Laravel 5 application authentication logout feature. Auth::logout() function removes all information ab...
Information will be presented in a text field that would be editable in this way. I believe you'd like to update multiple single-form documents...
In our previous Laravel 5 tutorial, we have learned how to install and configure Laravel application on Windows or Ubuntu. Now you’ll le...
Type Template Spoofing does not help PUT, PATCH or DELETE behavior in the type html form. You will then need to add a hidden field of method to the...
In this guide, we will cover the Laravel 5 module authentication system. Laravel 5 offers a very solid core authentication system that enables simp...
Basic Limitations of Speech Route use system where. The where method accepts the parameter name and a regular expression that determines the validi...
Using the DB framework, we can pick the record by executing a select statement (selecting the record from the database), you can execute a query us...
For sort the result-set in ascending or descending order, the orderBy method is used. The first argument for the orderBy approach should be the col...
To start a query, we can collect all records in the table using table method on the DB façade. Many ways to link such as get(), first() etc,...
I am currently working on a form and recently added validation, I have a form filled out by the user and after it has been filled out, I show the u...
I'll explain how to incorporate Payumoney Payment Gateway in Laravel 5 in this tutorial. Most of the material is already in the PayU documents,...
Laravel 5. * provides a basic syntax based on the value of unique keys in your JSON columns for searches and updates. Also databases that support J...
You don't want anybody to do any action with a record in some situations, you're dealing with it. I can use DB lock to take possessiong of ...
Today let's see how to use the gmail smtp server to send email in laravel...
Views are located in the directory of resources / views. Views contain the HTML your application has served and serve as a convenient way to separa...
How to use composer to install laravel on windows. Laravel has become the most popular php framework since its launch, and not without a good reaso...
In this tutorial, we will introduce the features of the shopping cart in laravel 5 and use the kit. The LaravelShoppingcart package project is on G...
The Where clause is used to extract only those records which fulfill a condition stated. The most simple call to where three arguments are required...
Welcome! Today we will consolidate the Laravel system with Google's Angular JS. This has an assortment of employments, yet our article w...
Laravel is a powerful framework we all value. Websites built on Laravel are often dynamic. To reflect this the sitemap.xml needs to be kept up to d...
You are need to integration payment gateway in many laravel application and many developer guss is to hard but it is very easy and simple. here we ...
I am going to explain How to Integrate Payumoney Payment Gateway in Laravel 5. Most of thing are already in PayU documentation i am just going to e...
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