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Top 20 Git Commands That Will Make You a Version Control. 

Top 20 Git Commands That Will Make You a Version Control. 04 Feb, 2023

Top 20 Git Commands That Will Make You a Version Control. 

Interpretation control is essential for programmers who want to unite effectively and track changes when working on law in a platoon. Git is a interpretation control system that allows you to track variations, identify train performances and recover aged performances if necessary. 

druggies with some programming experience can get started with Git fairly fluently, but it’s not easy to pick up all the advanced features. In this composition, I ’ll show you some of the most useful commands that will make you a Git pro. 

1. git config 

git config is one of the introductory Git commands that you must know. The command helps in setting the configuration values for dispatch, username, train formats, preferred train algorithm, and numerous other attributes. The illustration of the command is as follows 

# configure the user which will be used by Git
# this should be not an acronym but your full name
$ git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
# configure the email address
$ git config --global ""

2. git init 

git init is one of the top Git commands and is ideal for initializing a Git depository. The command helps in the creation of the original. git directory in an being or new design. The. git brochure remains retired, and you have to disable the point in the case of Windows to see it. In the case of Linux, you can use the ‘ ls – a ’ command for viewing the. git directory. It's recommended that no bone
should tamper the contents of the. git brochure. 

$ git init <the name of your repository>

3. git clone 

This command is used to gain a depository from an being URL 

$ git clone <the url of the repository>

4. git add 

The ‘ git add ’ command helps in adding train variations, presently in the working directory to the stoner’s indicator. The command helps in adding untracked lines that are ready for committing to the remote depository. The illustration of using the ‘ git add ’ command is as follows. 

This command would add myfile to the staging area. 

$ git add myfile

5. git branch 

The ‘ git branch ’ is a notable citation among Git commands for newcomers. The “ branch ” command helps you produce, cancel, and list branches. 

This command has some important options 

- v- a 
Provides further information about all your branches. Listing your branches, by dereliction, will only show your original branches ’ names. 

Adding the “- a ” flag will make sure remote branches are also included in the list. 
Adding the “- v ” flag will make the command more “ circumlocutory ” and 

include SHA- 1 hashes as well as commit subjects of the rearmost commits on your branches. 

— no- intermingled 
Returns all branches that haven't been intermingled into your current HEAD branch. 

- d 
Deletes a specified branch. 


#list all branches
$ git branch -a -v 
#Return all branches that has not merged
$ git branch --no-merged
#Return all branches thaat has merged
$ git branch --merged

6. git commit 

The git commit command captures a shot of the design's presently offered changes. 

$ git commit -m “first commit”

7. git push 

The ‘ git push ’ command can help in pushing all modified original objects to the remote depository and also growing its branches. An illustration of using this command is as follows 

$ git push origin master

8. git diff 

The ‘ git diff ’ command is useful for creating patch lines or the statistics of differences between paths or lines in your indicator, working directory, or git depository. An illustration of using this command is as follows 

$ git diff

9. git status 

The ‘ git status ’ command can help in displaying the status of lines in the indicator and the bones
in the working directory. The command would list out untracked, modified, and offered lines fluently. An illustration of using the ‘ git status ’ command is as follows 

$ git status

10. git show 

This command shows the metadata and content changes of the specified commit. 

$ git show

11. git tag 

This command would help in tagging a particular commit with a simple, durable, and mortal- readable handle. The illustration of this command is as follows 

git tag –a v2.0 –m ‘this is version 2.0 tag’

12. git merge 

“ git merge ” is a robust point that allows you to combine work from two branches into one. This is useful when inventors work on the same law and want to integrate their changes before pushing them up in a branch. 

$ git merge branch_name

13. git log 

The “ git log ” command lists every commit that has ever happed in your design to see what has changed over time, along with some other information about how the commit was done. 

$ git log

14. git reset 

Use git reset to “un-track ” a train to no longer have any links to the Git depository. 

$ git reset [commit id]

15. git rm 

This command is used to cancel a specific train from the current working directory and stages the omission. For deleting a specific train from the current working directory and stages the omission, use the following command 

$ git rm <filename>

16. git remote 

This command is used to connect the original git depository to the remote garçon. 

$ git remote add [variable name] [Remote Server Link]

17. git fsck 

This command is used to check the integrity of the Git train system and it also helps in relating corrupted objects. 

$ git fsck

18. git pull 

This command fetches and merges changes on the remote garçon to your working directory. 

$ git pull repository_link

19. git checkout 

The “ git checkout ” command allows us to switch to an being branch or produce and switch to a new branch. To achieve this, the branch you want to switch to should be present in your original system and the changes in your current branch should be committed or stockpiled before you make the switch. You can also use this command for checking out the lines. 

# Switch to an existing branch:
$ git checkout <branch-name>
#Create and switch to a new branch
$ git checkout -b <branch-name>

20. git store 

This command is used to temporarily store all the changed lines in the working directory. 

operation Save all the modified tracked lines temporarily 

$ git stash

operation List all the caches 

$ git stash list

operation cancel the rearmost store 

$ git stash drop


We've reached the end of this post. You can now claim to be a interpretation control Pro. But flash back , there are other useful git commands and Git isn't the only interpretation control tool. 

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. 

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